1.How did it end up like this

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Mondo woke up and looked at is phone it was 6:30 in the afternoon. He got out of bed and walked out of is room. There in the kitchen was Taka. They moved in together at the end of high school but not the way Mondo wanted to move in. You see Mondo wasn't in a romantic relationship with Taka and he wasn't either the only one in the apartment with him, there were Leon, leon impressive streak of girlfriends and of course Chihiro. Every day Mondo wondered how did he end up in this situation, of course Mondo didn't mind the fact that Chihiro and Leon lived with him but he just wanted to be with Taka as more then just roommates, he wanted to hold his hand, he wanted to cuddle with him, he wanted to kiss him, HE WANTED MORE. But how the heck two dorks like them didn't end up together at the end of high school... a yes Mondo remembers, it was two years ago

                     _flash back_

Mondo and Taka were on top of the hope's peek academy roof, they were standing in front of each other. Taka looked like a nervous reck wile Mondo was just curious of why the fuck is Kiyodai wanted to meet him there. And then Taka spoke up "Kiyo... kiyodai I... I need to get something out of my chest!!" or rather shouted. "Then fucking say it dumb ass" Taka went bright red and looked at is feet then at Mondo and took a deep breath and "kiyodai I think I might be in head over heels for you!!!" Mondo stood there in shock, at the time Mondo was in deep deep denial over is feeling for Taka .And  having to confront them in person was scary so instead of admitting that he felt the same way for Taka he just said this "Taka I'm sorry but I don't feel the same way you do, but I still wanna be your kiyodai no matter what. I just don't  wanna
lose you"
                        _end flash back _

Yea Mondo remember that moment like it was yesterday especially those Goddamn words he really did fuck up. But then he still thinks he's lucky to still be in contact with him after that, most people who broke up or get friend zoned aren't always in the best terms, but Taka didn't care apparently he still wanted to hang out with him. He really was lucky, hun.
And now here he was in front of his bedroom door just starting at Taka from a far in silence. But the silence broke once the door swung open, and Leon entered the room.

"Guess who's back fuckers!"
Leon shouted from the door frame, earning a disapproving glare from Taka. But Leon of course wasn't alone, standing next to him was  girl with long dark blue hair, porcelain skin and big blue eyes. Since the day Leon and Sayaka broke up Leon always came back home with a girl always kinda looked like Sayaka and it always end it up with them dating for a bunch of weeks and then breaking up because of the girl finding out the reason Leon was dating her. And this girl was probably no difference. Leon plopped on the couch and gesture to the girl to do the same. "Guys this yuri-Chan, Yuri-Chan the guy in who's scowling in the kitchen is Taka he's the one who keeps the house together, and the big bad bicker on the door frame his Mondo don't let his looks deceive you he is actually a big dork." Yuri smiled to Mondo and Taka and then looked at Leon, Leon smirked and looked in Taka direction and gestures that I'll be in is room. Taka sook is head in disappointment and gesture him to just go, Leon got up of the couch and just walked to his room hand in hand with the girl.

As Leon left Mondo realized that he was again alone with Taka. Mondo looked away from the corridor were Leon vanished to look at Taka again but this time Taka was looking at him too, and now they were staring at each other but the moment was interrupted by Taka's voice " Mondo I know it's Sunday but you should wake up earlier than 6:30 of the afternoon, don't you have things to do?"
Taka questioned "yea maybe, but it IS Sunday after all right? Plus I still wake up before Chihiro anyway" Mondo responded "Mondo the fact that Chihiro as insomnia do to his late night working session does not excuse your tardiness."
"yea whatever, anyways do you-" their conversation was interrupted by a disgusted scream coming from the corridor. Here comes a disgusted Chihiro followed by an apologetic Leon. " it's the 10th time in a month that you enter my room uninvited just to make out with a Sayaka reboot will I'm a sleep. DON'T YOU HAVE YOUR OWN GODDAMN ROOM!!" Damn Chihiro was pissed Leon was in loss of words. The truth is that Leon did have is own room, the problem was specifically the room. You see Leon really did miss Sayaka... like a lot  and the room was full of his high school photos with her , all the song Sayaka wrote for them to duet and all the music sheet she left there that she said that she published one day. But Leon wasn't about to admit that he missed her even though it was obvious. " Chi I told you I'm sorry I thought I was in Taka's room, I'm so sorry but please stop yelling" Leon plead desperate " NOT UNTIL YOU TELL THAT GIRL TO GET OUT YOURSELF AND TELL HER THE TRUTH." Chihiro continued to yell while walking towards the Kitchen "ok,ok just calm the fuck down I'm going geez" and with that Leon disappeared in the hallway Mondo just started at Chihiro in aw while they were being confronted by Taka who looked shocked by all the yelling. He didn't like loud noises. And now it was Mondo's turn to break the silence "Damn Chi I never saw you yell this much.You must be really pissed hun?" Chi looked in Mondo direction "of course I'm pissed Leon need to stop running away from his problems, I mean he's like 20 now he should start getting is personal life together." The last sentence Chihiro pronounced really hit close to home for Mondo. Chihiro was right the only two people in the apartment who had a clue of what to do with they're life we're Chihiro and Taka.I mean Taka was going to college to become a lawyer and Chihiro was hired by a big computer company and they had almost full control on how they worked. Meanwhile Leon and Mondo were completely lost after high school, Leon had been dumped by Sayaka five months after graduation and was now aimlessly looking for a replacement and working part-time at a sport themed restaurant (witch he hated).
Mondo instead was torturing himself with the fact that he was in love with Taka at the time and still is not knowing how to fix is mistake and working in a garage with Soda Kazuichi while also leading is gang. Not counting the fact that Mondo was jealous of the fact that all his friends were getting in relationships, even Goddamn Chihiro dated a few people, but luckily Taka never dated anyone not even in high school, and Mondo was strangely happy about that. It made I'm fell as if he still had a chance with Taka even if it was a very very slim chance it made him happy. Now back to the present a very pretty girl is very very pissed at a certain red head
"A replacement that's what I am to you?!A replacement for your ex-girlfriend, who for what I can assume must be pretty fucking happy without you!! You fucking PIG!!!" And with that the girl slapped Leon in his face and ran out the door, leaving the four roommates alone. "Now that Sayaka 2.0 is gone. Is there something for breakfast?" Mondo spoke up looking at Taka who was still hugging Chihiro in the kitchen "Oh fuck Mondo" the red head protested "Well since the young woman is gone I can make some eggs and bacon for you two" Taka said looking at Chihiro and Mondo
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Thank you for reading this chapter even though it was more focused on Leon love life than Ishimondo see you next time for another juicy chapter

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