2.change of circumstances

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Mondo, Leon and Chihiro were sitting on the couch watching Tv, Mondo and Chihiro were eating the eggs and bacon Taka had made. They were watching a romcom were a guy fell in love with this girl but the girl was too oblivious to understand the romantic gesture of the guy. That made Mondo think about Taka and how dense he was Back in high school it took four months before he could comprehend that he was friends with a good chunk of the class. But Taka wasn't exactly the same as he was back then, now he was less dense than before and not as naive even though he was still up tight about a lot of things he learned how to let loose sometimes and relax.

Mondo started daydreaming about how they were in high school but his train of thought was interrupted by the ring of the doorbell. "I'll get it" Leon said"it's probably Yuki-Chan she must have forgotten her bra here" Leon got up and walked to the door to open it, Mondo didn't pay much attention to Leon and just continued watching the show with Chihiro "Umm... Taka there's a guy at the door he says he wants to talk to you" everyone turn to Taka who looked like he got caught doing something fishy, Taka just ran towards the door pushing Leon aside. Everyone just started at him in complete disbelief. In Mondo's head a million questions started popping like
Who's this guy? Does Taka actually knows him? His Taka in danger? Is it the landlord? Is this guy trying to hurt him? But he stayed silent until Taka shut the door to find himself under the eyes of his roommates.

" sooo Taka" Leon started "who was the big buff guy at the door" Taka glared at Leon before answering "that 'big buff guy' is actually a classmate of mine from college if you have to know" Taka responded anodyne. Mondo and Chihiro started at him in aw, back in high school Taka always had a tremendous difficult time talking to new people (if he wasn't monitoring the halls of course), he stayed in his own bubble just studying and training, even Taka knew that. But there he was talking about someone he met at his college not even realizing that he made a friend. "Holy shit guys! Taka just got himself a friend and we didn't have to do anything" Leon mocked, Taka just scowled at him. But Leon was right that was the first time Taka made a friend on its own without the need of an endurance contest or with the help of Mondo. "Yea we should celebrate" Chihiro shot back mockingly. Mondo got up from the couch and put and hand on Taka shoulder and look straight in to is pupils "I'm proud of you big dork " Taka looked at him mesmerized, then realized that Mondo was joking and just faked punched him on the arm " Yea whatever. While you people stay here I'm going out" Taka satiated walking towards the door "Wait! What? Why??" Mondo asked, Leon looks at him and grins "Didn't you pay attention to Taka speech? He said that he is not going to be here for a couple of days cus he has a project to do with the buff guy."
Taka stares at him in curiously before turning around and walking out of the door.Leon turns to Mondo "So what were you thinking? Are you jealous of the guy because HE will be with Taka Alone for a couple of days and not you?" Leon mocked "What?! Of course not. I'm his kiyodai I'm not jealous of some random dude who just so happen to spend more time alone with him than me." Mondo protested "Mondo are you sure you're alright because you look worried" Chihiro commented "I'M NEITHER OF THOSE THINGS!!" Mondo shouted and stomped to his bedroom.

Mondo had been laying on is bed for the past hour he was still thinking or for better saying worrying about Taka. He was worried really worried, since they became friends Mondo and Taka were inseparable,and of course with the fact that Taka was always with Mondo he started socializing more and more. Now there he was out there talking to his new 'friend'. At this point it was clear to see that Mondo was extremely jealous. Imagine being in is position: the love of your life confess his feelings for you but your to deep in denial to admit that you love him so you ask to stay best friends, then after graduation he asks you if you want to move in with him, but instead of living alone with him you share it with two other friends, then out of nowhere you realize that he is going to college and you are not so you can't even spend much time with him after all, and all of a sudden he starts spending more time with another dude who isn't you and there going to be all alone for a couple of days. Modo felt miserable all he wanted to do was to stay in is sorrow and soon he started to sleep

The next morning Mondo woke up with a strong headache probably caused by banging is head on the door before going to sleep. Mondo got out of his room to find a chaos of a living room "what the fuck happened here?" Mondo asked "Taka is gone and Leon said he wants to be in charge that's what." Chihiro said without looking away from they're computer "then were IS Leon?" Mondo said angrily "take a wild guess." Chihiro said, Mondo just looked towards the corridor and sigh he couldn't deal with this right now "Chi look I'm sorry but I just woke up I can't deal with him." Mondo just grabbed is crazy diamond coat and walked towards the door "sorry!!"

Chihiro was now alone with Leon and a another Sayaka2.0. They couldn't handle Leon emotional break up nobody could, as a matter of fact nobody new how they broke up. Leon never talks about it and no one tried to bring it up with Sayaka, it was wired they acted like they never actually met when they were together ( and that didn't happened often), they always tried to avoid each other. And Chihiro was kinda worried for them in a strange way not because they liked one of the two, they were just worried for they're friend, i mean wouldn't you be worried if two of your closest friends broke up out of nowhere, and nobody talked about it, sure there was always the awkward and heavy silence that always filled the room when ever they are together, causing people not invite them both to the same event. So what could chihiro do?

Everything seemed hopeless, at least until Leon walked out of Chihiro's room into the living rom, usually when Leon got out of chihiro's room he looked out of it, but to they're surprise today was different Leon looked regretful not a thing that you see everyday. When Leon noticed Chihiro was looking at him he was about to speak but was cut-off by a uncomfortable looking blue haired girl walking towards the door before saying goodbye. Chihiro looked at Leon confused "that was what i was about to tell you" Leon stared "i realized that your probably right about my 'problem' with my Sayaka break up, so I talked with Kyoto and told her that i didn't want i relationship  with her at the moment at least. After making out with her." Leon said. "Wow, so let me get this straight. you invited a girl home led her to my room make out with her, then told her that you didn't want a girlfriend, and finally you walked out of the room leaving her alone, just to let her leave with a quick goodbye.Are you kidding me Leon what the fuck! Leon that's a super shity move on your part, and certainly not a way to move on" Chihiro said almost screaming, Leon looked guilty

Leon kinda new that was a bad idea but he didn't want to re-live once again a Sayaka walking out on him for once HE wanted to be the one walking out on her. But Chihiro was right he couldn't do something like that and not expect to hurt someone (badly) , but Leon was tired of keeping thinking about her, the girl that truly made hi.. no, the ONLY girl that made him happy, yea that's pathetic but what could he do he just felt lost completely.

They just stayed in the silence for a while before Taka walked in the living room not looking at anyone almost ignoring everyone he looked thoughtful, but before Chihiro could ask him what happened Taka was already in his bedroom. And their conversations died there, they spend the next 20 minutes watching and talking about a tv show.

1508 words
Once again a good chunk of the story is focused on leosaya but this is just so I can work it up until the greatest ishimondo ending * insert evil laughter* but anyway thanks again for continuing to read

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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