Chapter 24

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"...You are so hopeless."

In one swift movement, the figures holding Mitsuba as well as the two hands gripping (M/n) and Yashiro were in pieces. Yashiro gasped at the familiar figure. 'Hanako...?' She got a clearer look at the male. '...No, it's not. That's not Hanako-kun!' She recalled the Hanako-lookalike in the mirror before. 'He looks like...'

(M/n) pressed his lips together as he sent a wary glance at Tsukasa. The raven-haired apparition reeled his arm back before he shattered the mirror. His eyes were lifeless. No. 3 was roughly pulled forwards by Tsukasa. The School Mystery was held by the throat.

"Hey, whatcha doing? Picking on things weaker than you?" Tsukasa mocked. No. 3 replied. "I would ask you, 'whatcha doing?'!!"

"Who are you? How dare you come into my boundary and disregard my rules!!" It barked at Tsukasa. The raven-haired apparition hummed and tilted his head to the side. "Eh...? Not to mention, you also hurt (M/n)-chan." Not even a second later, Tsukasa smashed the School Mystery's head against the mirror over and over.

Mitsuba, Yashiro, and (M/n) stood there in horror as shards of glass began flying around. (M/n) noticed that he could use his powers at the moment for some reason. Not wasting time wondering, he raised his arm and encased Tsukasa's hand with water.

Tsukasa's movement came to a halt. He cocked his head to the side and caught a glimpse of the (f/c)-haired male. He grinned at him. "(M/n), hold on for a moment. I'll get to you in a bit, 'kay? I just need to finish this." Two of Tsukasa's Koku-Joudai broke through the water and went straight for (M/n).

The (f/c)-haired male stumbled back and avoided the two orbs. It began circling him. (M/n) felt paralyzed. Due to this, his concentration disappeared, making the water drop to the floor. Tsukasa continued bashing the other apparition's head to the ground. Not long after, it stopped moving. Blood seeped out of its' head.

"I broke the mirror." Tsukasa commented in a disappointed manner. He turned to the three with his hand covered in blood. He caught sight of Yashiro and made his way closer. He crouched down to meet Yashiro's eyes. "Are you alive?"

"Huh? Yes..." Yashiro answered. Tsukasa beamed. "Oh! That's good!"

"Anyway." He stood up and turned to the pink-haired male. "Mitsuba." The said male flinched. Tsukasa pressed two bloody fingers on Mitsuba's cheek and smeared it slightly. "You are such a bad boy. You just can't do anything by yourself, can you?"

Mitsuba started sobbing a Tsukasa patted his head and comforted him. The raven-haired apparition stopped. "You know..." He made his way to the body of the No. 3. "I thought I told you... Mitsuba."

"You can't stay in the mortal world because you're too weak and pathetic." He bent down and laid his hands on the motionless body of the School Mystery. "So if you don't wanna disappear... You have to work hard and get stronger."

"Hmm, should be around here somewhere..." He muttered as he shuffled around. "And if you wanna get stronger..." He made his hand flat and plunged it onto No. 3's body. He pulled out its' heart and glanced back at Mitsuba. "...You have to beat up strong supernaturals and eat 'em."

"Isn't this fun?" Tsukasa restrained Mitsuba using his legs. He used one hand to pry the pink-haired male's mouth open, while the other held the heart of the School Mystery. "Did you know supernaturals had them too? Hearts, I mean."

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