How They React When You Push Your Quirk Too Far

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Bakugo: You have been restoring buildings and streets all day. Honestly, you started getting tired hours ago, but you wanted to help as mush as you could. You just wanted to be a humble hero that was able to save tax payers from spending so much because of something both villains and heroes caused. Yes, you had a terrible headache, but you get headaches while on the job all the time. You thought nothing of it until you started getting dizzy and began seeing spots. Next thing you know, your knees go weak, you're laying on the ground and you see fellow hero, Deku, running towards you. You wake up in a small infirmary about to ask what had happened when you see Bakugo bursting through the door and telling you how stupid you were. After his little fit was over, he'd engulf you into a soul crushing hug and whisper "You can't do that to yourself, Love. I could've been there for you. You know how awful it was to hear that you collapsed from Shitty Deku? Don't ever pull a stunt like that again." It was honestly very sweet and you couldn't help yourself from chuckling and returning the hug

Kirishima: You don't really have a physical setback on your quirk, however the fact that you weren't able to jellify the things you needed to because you've been at it for too long was really starting the frustrate you. You didn't want to quit. You had to be strong like you boyfriend, but the fact that your quirk won't obey you nearly put you to tears. After a few attempts and loud grunts cause by failure, Kirishima was able to understand what was going on. He quickly ran to your side and grabbed your hands, pulling them to his face so he could kiss each palm. "Hey hey, Cutie, what's wrong?" he would softly ask knowing you were sensitive at the moment. You would complain about how you weren't strong enough to help and that you couldn't use your quirk anymore, nearly bring you tears. In order to calm you down, he'd peck small kisses all along your hands and face. After you had calmed down, he would explain how you were the strongest hero out there and that everyone had a breaking point at some point. He knew you'd just need a few minutes to rest so your quirk can start working again, so he'd ask you for help that wasn't quirk related and wait out your rut with you

Kaminari: Being forced to fight a villain on the hottest day the entire summer was hard enough on a hero, but it really put a major affect on you. Yes, you were still able to water bend, but your attacks were slow, sloppy and not getting the job done to capture all these bad guys. Usually, you're able to adapt to these situations, but today, for some reason, was the exception. You were starting to get aggravated with the fact that your attacks weren't working as well as normal. Upon seeing that your last attack didn't work against your opponent, Kaminari shot a line of electricity his way before catching up to meet where you were. Noting that you were obviously exhausted, your wonderful boyfriend pulled out the emergency water pack he carried around for you, on days like these, and forced you to drink it before you continue. He grabbed you by your wrists and forced you to look him in the eyes. "Listen to me Honey, I know you're tired and your quirk isn't working the way you want it to, but I promise you that you are doing amazing and we'll get through this together," he reassured before placing a kiss on your forehead and running back into battle. While sprinting away he pointed towards you and shouted "Don't you dare move until you're fully rested!"

Sero: When in the middle of fighting an enormous nomu-like villain, your boyfriend had suggested using the 'Blind Restraint' and even though you were already tired from fighting for so long, you agreed to do the move. After collecting all the sunlight you could, you condensed it into a bright ray directed right towards the villains face. He seemed unaffected longer than most villains you've used this move on, but eventually it was obvious that he couldn't see anymore and Sero used that chance to swing around the monster and wrap him with as much tape needed. Finally, once given the signal that you could release the light, you shot it back to its previous place and fell to your knees. Your arms were burnt to a crisp and you threw up right before watching Sero try to get to you before you passed out. You woke up in the infirmary with many IVs rehydrating your body and aloe vera lathered bandages wrapped down your arms and around your hands. At the end of your left hand was your boyfriends grasping it with a life threatening grip. Once he realized you woke up, he cupped your face in his hands and began apologizing profusely before you could even get a word out. He stuttered sentences about how he shouldn't have forced you to over use your power and how this was all his fault. After reassuring him that it was your choice, he was able to finally look you in the eyes and once again say "I'm sorry Mi Amor," before kissing you

Mina: You were in the middle of a pretty intense battle with a villain that had quite an unusual quirk when your girlfriend showed up to join the 'party.' You had been going at it for a long while and eventually you got sick and tired of this dudes shit, so once you were able to restrain the villain, you decided to use your quirk as a way to get the guy to surrender. As soon as you took of your glasses, it was a huge mistake because once you looked at the guy, he wasn't there anymore. Instead it was an unconscious Mina laying on the ground, in a pitch black room with her body ripped up so much it was a miracle you even recognized her. Upon moving closer, her body transformed into millions of tiny roaches all seeming to be interested in wanting to crawl in your mouth and up your nose. You tried to swat them in an attempt to get them off of you, but before you knew it, you were falling and all you could here were screams of all your loved ones. Not knowing what's going on or what to do, you had began to scream as well, but as soon as you did, you were back in the middle of the street with the restrained villain knocked out and burn marks all up his arm. Before you could look up at your girlfriend, she forced your sunglasses back onto your face and caressed your cheek. "Hey Precious, it's me, Mina. I'm right here. That dickhead had some type of mirror quirk, so when you went to look at him, you saw your own eyes instead, but you're ok now. You're here with me and you're safe," she reassured you.

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