How Many Kids You Would Have

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Bakugo: You two would have a daughter. He loves her with all his heart and is the most overprotective dad you have ever seen. He likes to teach your daughter how to fight because he ain't raising no pussy ass bitch. Those two are super cute when they bond and you wouldn't change any of it for the world.

Kirishima: You would have twins. Both a boy and a girl. They do everything together because Kirishima loves his kids to death. One minute, they're having a nerf gun fight and the next they are having a tea party. There is never a quiet moment in your house, but you don't mind because you love your family.

Kaminari: You have three boys running around the house. They're all dumbasses, like their father, but it's ok. You can never leave all four of them alone together because they WILL burn the house down. Your household is so chaotic and you wouldn't change it for the world.

Sero: You have two daughters. This man is such a sucker for his little girls. He SPOILS them to no end and would do anything for them. One time, he got the girls the most extravagant valentines presents but forgot you. Don't worry, he made up for it.

Mina: This girl love love loves kids, so you best bet ya'll are having a big family. My guess is that you have four kids. Two girls and two boys. Your household is very loving and rarely any fights break out. Mina thinks it's very important to create a loving and accepting household, so you two really broke down gender norms and allowed your kids to express themselves however they wanted.

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