When Your Quirk Manifested

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Bakugo: Like many kids at young ages, you had a special toy that you took with you wherever you went. You took it to school, you took it on vacation and you even slept with it. You took great care of that toy, until one day at pre-school stupid Jimmy stole and broke it because you ate his crackers. Your poor five year old heart was shattered and you cried while holding the pieces of your what used to be toy. However, upon looking back down at your toy, you saw that the thing was fine. You went home that day and told your parents about the event a little confused, but really you didn't care because you had your toy back

Kirishima: You were about two or three years old when you were trying to play with your toys and the plastic material turned soft and squishy. Frustrated with the fact that your toy was no longer the way it was, you went crying to your parents and showed them your broken toy. It did not take long to figure out your quirk once this soon became a reoccurring problem in your household

Kaminari: You were four years old when you accidentally fell into the deep end of the public swimming pool. Not knowing how to swim at the time, you were panicking and doing everything in your power not to drown. Before a lifeguard could dive into the water, after finally noticing your situation, you 'splashed' all the water out of the pool, leaving many confused swimmers at the bottom of the now dry pool

Sero: It was a hot summer day and you were at the park with your family. Your poor three year old body was not liking the blazing sun at the moment and you were starting to feel sick because of the temperature. With a frustrated grunt and a wave of the arms, it suddenly got darker from where you were sitting. You don't really remember much after that, but you later woke up, in your bed, to a new sun burn on your arms and your parents telling you that you had the powers of the sun

Mina: Your quirk manifested a few minutes after your birth. Apparently you had the most beautiful eyes your doctor had ever seen and it was a truly magical moment until your quirk manifested. According to what your parents told you, the doctor was so horrified that they dropped you trying to get away from the nightmare they were witnessing. Thankfully someone caught you before you could hit the floor. You were taken to the NIQU (newborn intensive care unit) and monitored until they figured out what was going on. It was an awful few days for your parents, but they loved you no less once finding out about your power

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