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Am I dead? Or is this one of those dreams? Those horrible dreams, that seem like they last forever. If I am alive... why, why? If there is a God or whatever, something, somewhere... why have I been abandoned by everyone and everything I've ever known, I've ever loved. Stranded. What is the lesson? What is the point? God give me a sign or I have to give up. I can't do this anymore. Please just let me die.Being alive hurts too much. - Kesha

Everything was perfect. Well maybe not perfect but i had my mummy and that was enough for me. I didn't need all those expensive gadgets everyone else had, i didn't need to have a massive room full of teddies and toys and expensive clothes. I had my mum and my mum was everything i ever needed. 

And in one night i lost everything i ever loved and needed.

My name is Sofi and this is the story of my life. Of how fairy tails are just stories mothers tell their children to get them to sleep. How i found that i was different and had to listen to the voices of the dead scream at me. How i would lose my temper and have psychotic breaks. And how i met the least likely person i could think of.

 And how i met the least likely person i could think of

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