𝑪𝒉.1 - 𝑼𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑺𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕

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He threw your flowers on the ground so impactful that the flowers weren't able to withstand the gravel that laid beneath the bouquet. Wet splotches covered your cheeks. Water quivering at your eyes surface, and your body shaking with humiliation and discomfort.

"I told you to stay away from me!" He screamed, his eyes becoming dark and grey. You gulped and made a fist.

"You told me you loved me! That's why I gave you these! To show how much I love you," You cried. You were becoming so weak that your legs could hardly stand as though they were on a loose string, just waiting to fail and fall at any minute.

His steps dragged along the gravel path, stepping closer and closer to you. Your shaking, now became wild to the point you felt your insides were ready to collapse. Your sight became blurry and your breathing became heavy and weak. It was as though you were drowning and attempting to find air. He raised his hand close to your delicate soft cheek and slapped it with all the anger and bitterness that swept through his veins.

"Yeah well, you obviously were wrong! Now stop wasting my time! I have had enough of chicks like you!" And with that your - now ex - boyfriend stomped away towards the opposite direction. As he walked, he stepped on your precious flowers.


Backstory of events

Donghyun was your lovely boyfriend. He loved you a lot. You two did many things together. Donghyun, was there for you.

Two days before your fight, he started acting strange. He was cold towards you, neglected you when you needed him most, and ignored you. You just thought he was having trouble with his family so you never thought much of it. Despite this you still tried hanging out with him. He yelled at you saying to stay away but you knew he probably meant that he needed your support.

That day was you and Donghyun's anniversary of being a couple for three years. You thought he would be sweet like last week but he completely changed. It seemed he got tired of you.


You collapsed on the cold gravel path. Tears falling rapidly down your eyes, created puddles near your legs. Your heart was shattered. You were too weak to move.

Your phone laid in your pocket buzzing like crazy but, you couldn't answer it. Your ears were buzzing to the extreme that you couldn't hear anything. Your sight became blurry, making it impossible to focus on anything. All your surroundings just seemed to form together in bright blurry colours.

After slowly tapping your shoulders in a butterfly motion and taking deep breaths, you walked along the street to find the convenience store. Your tummy was growling as though a monster was inside. Your sight was still adjusting so things did seem a bit blurry but at least you could see. As you strolled slowly down the footpath, gas oil and street food filled your lungs. The air was cold, creating red marks all over your soft face. Cars zooming and citizens talking filled your ears. The taste of hunger filled up your entire mouth.

Walking closer to the convenience store, you saw a figure in the distance. As you saw the figure you knew exactly who it was. Your pace became faster and tears started to fall. It was your brother. You ran to him and wrapped your arms around his body. You cried into his chest, telling him all about what happened. As you did, something didn't seem right. Your brother's breathing became tight and uncomfortable. His shoulders were stiff and his arms rested beside him. The once chocolate milk he held in his big hands was now splattered on the cement path. Not only that, but his chest was more soft. You looked up to see a boy who was not your brother. You gasped and jumped away from him. You secure your arms behind your back. Your pale face became pink and all possible words left your mouth.

He looked at you shocked but also frightened. His face had turned pink just as yours had. He said nothing and busied himself by picking up his now empty chocolate milk bottle. You stood there scratching your head. You had no idea what to do. This guy obviously hated interactions and you were awkward. As you were hovering over thoughts on how to deal with this situation, It occurred to you that you were at ease. No buzzing noises could be heard and your vision was clear. Did this guy really ease you?

Watching him as he cleaned the mess he made, you focused on his big hands and cute behaviour. He was eye catching. Focused on him, you didn't realise the other individual strolling out of the convenience store. He noticed you and gave you a concerned facial expression but went with his life and headed to the boy.

"What happened?" The boy asked. The one you mistook for your brother looked up at you, then looked away.

"Huh? You know what, how about you tell me at home," The boy replied. After taking care of the mess, they both started heading up the street. It occurred to you that you made the boy waste his chocolate milk. You ran into the store and brought one. You quickly ran as fast as you could to the two boys.

"Excuse me!" You yelled. The two boys stopped in their tracks and looked up at you. As you came into their presence, you came to a halt.

"I apologise for what I caused, please forgive me," You quickly stated.

"Please accept this as an apology, uh....," You bowed and raised the milk above you.

"Jisung," He replied, obviously noticing you didn't know his name. You smiled in return and he did too. He took the chocolate milk out of your hands and bowed.

"Thanks for that, I am Jeno by the way," the other boy piped in. 

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