𝑪𝒉. 8 - 𝑩𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔

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Donghyun gripped onto your wrist tightly. He twirled you around to face him. Looking at him, you noticed how his face became angrier and darker than before.

"Don't talk to him, you are mine remember?" He declared, poison rolling off the tip of his tongue. You gulped and obeyed. It wasn't right to hangout with other guys when you had a boyfriend. He wrapped your arm around his and started walking in the other direction. Turning your head, you observed Jisung and Jeno with sad eyes. Seeing them again made you feel what you hadn't realised was missing. While walking away with Donghyun, you started missing Jisung a lot. What had happened to make you this way?

Donghyun walked you home that night, while doing so you noticed his forceful behavior and anger whenever you didn't agree or listen to him. Thinking he loved you again may have just been your mind and heart wanting to believe he loved you. Once happy eyes, flooded with darkness and sorrowful regrets. You had ignored Jisung for this guy who seemed to be only obsessed with you and not truly in love with you.


Finally at the door, you hurried in. Before you could step inside, Donghyun grabbed your wrist tightly once more. You winced as he pulled you towards him.

"You can't leave without a kiss," Donghyun pressured.

"I don't"- not hearing your voice, he pulled your face harshly towards him and puckered his lips. Wincing at the pain, you shut your eyes and slapped him across the face. Once he let go of your grip, you ran inside and shut the door harshly. Back against the door, you breathed in and out harshly.

"Y/n! Did you just slap me!" You heard his loud shouts from outside the door. He banged on the door with great force.

"Y/n! Come back outside!" He yelled.

As you heard his yells it occurred to you. Was this what it was like dating him this whole time? Did you want to believe that he loved you so bad that you imagined something completely different. That would explain all the bruises on your arms.

You sat at the door and waited for Donghyun to leave. While you did, you tried calling Jisung. He didn't answer. You left him a voice message.

"...Hey...Ji..Jisung, I am really sorry about what I did"- you start crying, suddenly remembering the times Donghyun became forceful and harmful.

"...I am really scared of Donghyun..., I was blin...blinded by, l...love, he hurt me...," The time for the voice message ran out.

Caressing your knees, you learnt your forehead on your kneecaps. Tears streaming down your face. Filled with guilt and pain. You felt extremely sorrowful for all the people you hurt. Because of your stupid imagination and the needing of feeling loved, you believed Donghyun was better but he was worse. He used his fists and grip and hardly his words. Again, you were hurt by him. Physically and mentally. No one would come and comfort you because you ignored them all. Jeno, Jisung and even your brother. After you started dating Donghyun again, he hardly talked to you. He was obviously ashamed of you. Not only that, but you cut Jisung - someone who meant greatly to you - out of your life, when he was there for when you were hurt. Your sobs became harder. Quickly, you started drowning in your own tears.


Hearing the beeps of the front door, you awoke with stains of tears under your eyes. It was darker than before and your body shivered. The person at the door struggled to open the door.

"What the heck is wrong with this!" you heard Jaesoo complain. Feeling more awake, you slowly crawled to the wall.

"Ahh there it i... Y/n!" Jaesoo chucked his belongings on the ground and caressed your cheek.

"What happened?" He sternly questioned. Tearing up once more, you explained through tears:

"I was blind....i..i... he... didn't...love...me...and...and..I hurt..my friends.....and.....you,"

Jaesoo wiped your tears.

"Everything is going to be okay, just calm down and explain to me later when you are ready," Jaesoo helped you up then grabbed his belongings.

Pointing at you he stated, "You better explain what you were doing with Donghyun," Glad that your brother didn't despise you, you nodded.

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