Potter Sr Contemplates

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When they returned to the dormitory Remus was waiting.  He looked angry on the surface but underneath it was concealed curiosity that could only be noticed by the people closest to him. 

"So?" he asked.

"Tomorrow," grumbled Sirius as he plopped down onto his bed and curled up giving no indication that he was willing to get up anytime soon. 

James just shrugged and made to do the same.  He was deeply curious about the whole situation.  It was still a mystery to him despite the information, though confusing that they had uncovered. 

This kid was from the future.  That much he had figured out. 

He was a Potter. 

His name was Harry, like James' grandfather.  

He had intentionally time traveled and gone farther than expected. 

What bothered James was why this kid had wanted to mess with time in the first place. 

If he was James' son, which he suspected he was probably a trouble maker but even James wouldn't mess with time. 

So why had this kid. 

As James attempted to sleep he was plagued with these thoughts and questions. 

He couldn't fall asleep with all of this and on top of that he hadn't eaten since lunch and he was starving. 

When he realised he wasn't getting to sleep anytime soon he quietly slipped out of bed and under the cloak. 

He headed for the kitchens where he knew he would find food. 

He always liked the Hogwarts kitchens. 

They reminded him of home which he knew was odd but the fire reminded him of the one his mother always had going in their kitchen and the smells of the house elves cooking food were just like when he was younger and he would sit at the counter where his mother was cooking dinner and watch.  His mother always insisted on cooking herself even though their house elves were perfectly capable. 

It was nights like this when he got homesick, though he had only just gotten here. 

James loved Hogwarts though.  It was where his friends were.  He loved them more than anything. 

As he entered the kitchens James soon realised that he was not alone.  The mysterious boy, Harry was already here with a plate of food, sitting by the fire.

Harry Potter and the Shifting TimelinesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora