chapter 2

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Junkyu sat beside his seatmate, who else if not Mashiho.

They got here after an hour outside, it was great.

Junkyu stretched his arms and unzipped his backpack to get his notebook.
But unfortunately, he's a 91 year old man in a 19 year old body.

He forgot everything, there was only a small notebook and a pen inside.

Mashiho who wasn't aware of what happened with the older, nudged him. "Why don't you get your book? And your notebook?"

Junkyu smiled slightly. "What if I say I forgot"

Mashiho closed his eyes in frustration. Not so loud not so quietly either, Mashiho slammed his book between them.

"You old man. I wish good luck to your life partner, has to deal with you..." Mashiho sighed.

"Yeah, keep wishing luck to yourself" Junkyu mumbled. "Pardon?"

"Nothing. The notebook pls" Mashiho rolled his eyes and gave it to Junkyu as well.

Luckily they got out of the situation without Junkyu getting detention..again.

After an hour the bell rang, Junkyu and Mashiho both went out of the classroom to the canteen.

Junkyu walked like a zombie scaring the newbies. "Mr Kim, can you not? Pls walk like a human, you're scaring the new students"

Junkyu mocked what Mashiho said and removed his hoodie and walked behind the smaller still with his expressionless face.

Just as they entered inside the canteen, a bunch of students surrounded Mashiho.

Junkyu was quite annoyed.

He pushed some of them to get in through and grabbed Mashiho's arm before pulling the younger out of the crowd.

"Junkyu, c'mon—"

"Shut up" Mashiho pout. "You're being mean again"

"No, I'm not. You can see them later, now I want to eat—" Mashiho's face suddenly lit up, he freed himself from Junkyu and rushed to the person who was chilling.

Junkyu surpassed an eyeroll and followed where the younger went.

He took a chair sat and kicked another one before placing both of his legs one top on another.

He witnessed what was happening in front of his eyes while biting his inside cheek.

Mashiho let go of the hug and pinched the friend's cheek.

"You're looking extra handsome today. Haruto"

"I always do" Haruto confidently and proudly said.

Junkyu shut close his eyes. "Can you sit down?"

"Oh Hi hyung, wassup? Have not seen you around since yesterday" Junkyu faked a smile. "Mashiho and I planned a date yesterday, so I had to prepare some things"

Haruto choked on his drink while Mashiho made a wtf face.

Junkyu smirked. "Well, lemme get our order. What do you want my little fluff ball" Mashiho angrily stomp his foot.

"How many times have I told you not to call me a little fluff ball!" Junkyu shrugged in response.

"Mango smoothie and?"


"Oi mashi, kawai" haruto said.
"Yeah, this thing is cute right? So please don't touch it, cute things are meant to be seen from a far. Ok."

Haruto was stunned, he didn't know why Junkyu was being like that suddenly.

When the older left, haruto pulled Mashiho a little closer and whispered. "Are you sure...Junkyu doesn't love you?"


"How can you be so sure!" Mashiho shrugged. "He's an old man, he isn't interested in love life, he told me not so long ago"

"But mashiii! Junkyu was jealous"

"What jealous?"

"Ah, how are you so blind?? Forget it."


I'm sorry I always make Haruto the villain for Junkyu •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀ I don't know but I think it suits him lol

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