chapter 3

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Mashiho stared at Junkyu who was busy eating.

When the older of the two finally noticed the stares he was getting, he looked beside him and found his best friend. "Is something on my face?"

"Yeah.... handsomeness" Junkyu felt both of his ears burning.
He glared at the laughing Mashiho before looking away.

"I was thinking..." Mashiho said with a soft sigh.


"Do you love me?" Junkyu choked on his food and snapped his head towards the younger in shock.

"Do you?"

Junkyu patted his chest then drank a glass of water. "W-what"

Mashiho rolled his eyes. "Are you deaf?? I asked, do you love me or not, simple question, why are you overreacting?"

Junkyu gulped another glass of water then faced Mashiho properly. "You shouldn't ask like nearly gave me a heart attack.

Mashiho pout. "So you hate me now"

"No no, of course not, where did that come from?" Mashiho shrugged and pushed junkyu's hand from his cheek.

"Well I hate you too, bye old man"

Junkyu blinked his eyes trice while the younger stormed out of the cafeteria.

"I don't understand the mood swings..."

"I'm terrified now..."

Throughout the whole day Mashiho has been sulking because of what happened in the canteen.

Junkyu tried everything to make Mashiho stop with the attitude but nothing was helping.

It was time to go home, and Mashiho ran out of the classroom.
Actually running away from Junkyu.

But the older was now getting annoyed so with angry steps he followed behind the younger.

Just as Mashiho was about to get inside the car, Junkyu grabbed his arms.

Mashiho rolled his eyes. "What?!"

"Stop giving me silent treatment, drop the attitude unless you want me to destroy you" Junkyu smirked.

But Mashiho's dirty mind was going too far, and now he was blushing.

"Wth, stop telling me what I should do"

Junkyu tightened his hold.

"Say another word and I'll kiss you"

Mashiho smiled because he knows Junkyu won't dare. "Well I will say, as long as I want. I hate you, I hate you, I hate y—"

10 seconds later Mashiho felt the cold wind brushing over his lips once again.

The younger of the two felt dizzy, not believing what just happened.

Junkyu let go off the hold and grabbed Mashiho's jaw. "Next time, think before saying....I can be worse...."

"Next time it'll be bed"

Junkyu smirked and slowly let go before walking away.

Mashiho's knees felt weak and he fell.

Withing 2 second, Mashiho screamed in a high pitched voice.

"Omg ... my best friend stole my first kiss...ahh"

Haruto witnessed the scene from afar, he felt disgusted but he was also enjoying.

He sure was shocked when Junkyu and Mashiho kissed. "now I should do the same with Jeongwoo..."

At exactly 12 am, Junkyu called Mashiho who was unable to sleep cause of what happened.

Mashiho didn't wanna pick-up the call, but in the end did it anyway.

Mashiho gulped not being able to say a word.


This was the third time Junkyu said, hello.

“are you gonna talk or not? Or want me to come over and teach you how to scream-”


Mashiho ended the call.
Still with a dizzy head, the latter went to the bed and flopped down.

"T-that guy..ugh he's such a bad boy...h-how can he s-say something like t-that"

Mashiho rolled over and over again. "Ugh I'm so he doing these things only because he's a pervert or because he was jealous of haruto?"

"There's no way he was jealous of haruto..., Haruto's like a child I never had. Wtf Kim, if it's true imma slap you twice"

Mashiho flipped his sleeping position and thought what was Junkyu doing now.


Nothing much, Junkyu was on his balcony, watching the starts still being shirtless.

It was cold but he felt hot after drinking so he took off his shirt.

And now he was smoking.
It gives him peace.

When he was done, Junkyu trew away the cigarette and went inside the room.

He sat on his bed and again checked his phone but there wasn't even a single message from Mashiho which made him kinda mad.

There's not a day they don't chat before sleeping but today it was the first time.

"How am I going to sleep without a proper, goodnight?"

Junkyu sighed and leaned on the bed.
His lips curved into a smile remembering what happened today.

"That was my true self...why do I have to hide it... I'll show my true self from now on" Junkyu smirked.

"I ain't acting cute anymore just because mashi likes that kinda man.... I'll act myself...and make him like me"

"Kyu is gone, Junkyu is born"

"For you, my Japanese baby"


Japanese baby, ay-

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