The snatching of the first Skull of Cerberus

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At night in Vacuo,  a few archeologists were going towards a dig site. One was named Sandra, one was named Dr. Xevera Aragon, those two being females and the only male being named Dr. Andre Fitzhugh.

"This is really it!"  Sandra starts, excited bout what was found in the dig site. "The discovery of a lifetime!"

"Please, don't tease us, Sandra."  Xervea says nearly slipping.

"Whoa, easy there, doctor." Sandra says, grabbing her arm

"Just hold my arm on the way down." Xervea said

They then resumed walking down the slippery stairs, being as careful as they could be, then entering a tent, covering a section of the dig site.

"I think it's better if I show it to the two of you." Sarah comments

"We think so, too." Andre and Xervea both reply

Sarah walks over to n extension cord, plugs it in and presses a button turning on some lights which revealed a large dog skull, mounted on a wall.

"" Xervea comments as Andre walks over to the skull

"It's unlike any known species. Living OR extinct." Sarah explains

"An these teeth!" Andre commented, before imitating the growl and bark of a dog

Sarah chuckled a little and said, "They are distinctly canine."

"This is wonderful!!" Andre exclaims

"After all this time, we finally found...." Xervea starts

"Cerberus." the three said in unison

"The guard dog to the underworld." Andre says as the three look over at  set of markings depicting a man, dog, and a woman fighting Cerberus

After a bit of silence, Sandra finally said something that's been on her mind the whole time.

"Doctors, I still don;t understand how one of his skulls could end up here, in Vacuo of al places." Sandra states

"I'll tell ya how." Xervea starts as she turns to some murals on the other side of the tent and walks over to them. "You see these murals? They show us everything we need to know. The skulls were hidden across the globe in three mystical places."

"And legend has it that if the skulls were to ever be reunited, the gates of Salem would rise again, and plunge the world into TOTAL DARKNESS!"  Andre adds

"But why would anyone want that?" Sandra asked

"Because behind those gates, Sandra...." Andre starts

"Lies a treasure which will make him the wealthiest man in history, Sandra!" Xervea added

"Him?? Is that why you two are doing this??" Sandra asked

"Oh, come on, Sandy, you have to admit, unimaginable wealth...." Andre starts, before he gets out a gun of some sort from his sleeve which also put a glove onto his hand and he aimed the gun at Sandra as Xervea aimed a revolver at her. " a lot more interesting than archaeology!"

"Dr. Fitzhugh, Dr. Aragon, why??" Sandra asked. "Why are you being"

"Dastardly??" The two asked, but in t=different voices, one being the villainous Dick Dastardly and one being Arthur Watts. "Because that's just who we are."

The two then grab their faces and hoods, and pull off their whole bodies, Dr. Andre Fitzhugh being none other than Dick Dastardly, and Dr. Xervea Aragon being Arthur  Watts, Dick Dastardly's cousin.

"Dick Dastardly!" Dastardly finished, aiming his gun at Sandra, then pulling the trigger, shooting out a sticky gunk which pinned Sandra to the wall. "And my friend here is my cousin, Arthur Watts."

"Oof!!" Sandra grunted as she got pinned to the wall. "You two are forgetting your mythology!! The skulls are worthless without-"

"The keys?" Dastardly scoffs. "Oh, silly, superfluous Sandra."

"The prophecy has already been fulfilled." Watts added

Dastardly wlks forward a few steps and says, "Now let's claim our prize and go!"

The whole tent area is lifted up, Sandra screamed a little when Dastardly ship was in view in the distance. However much to Watts and Dastardly's disappointment, nothing happened.

"I said...let's go!!" Dastardly repeated

That's when a Rotten, one of Dastardly's robots, a gold and white one to be specific, came down into view and beeped at Wattsm, curious.

"Of course he means you!!" Watts snapped. "Do you think he's talking to the woman on the wall??"

The Rotten then changed shape into it's more baby like form and walked over to Sandra and looked up at her.

"Help me." Sandra whispered

The Rotten then turned to Dastardly and Watts an beeped and warbled.

"No, we shouldn't help her! Toughen up." Dastardly responds. "We're the bad guys, remember?"

Dastardly opens his wrist watch and pressed a button, which triggered a small beeping sound. Just then, from Dastardly's ship, a large claw came down from the sky and grabbed onto the skull. Shortly after, Dastardly, the Rotten, and Watts climbed onto the skull.

The claw then lifted up the skull to where it was above where the tent was and Dastardly smirked.

"Good doggy." Dastardly states. "Show me where your brothers are hiding."

The skull shook a bit and out of the cracks in-between the teeth in the skull, a ghostly red beam shot out and the claw spun the skull around a few times as Watts opened up  small flip like device he had, getting a set of coordinates.

"We've got it!" Watts exclaimed

Dastardly smirked, looked back down at Sandra and said, "Tatty-bye!"

The claw then resumed lifting up the skull, Dastardly, the Rotten, and Watts still on it.

"Blue Falcon will stop you two!!!" Sandra called out

"We'd love to see him try!" Watts responded. "We're the early bird this time!"

"Now it's our turn to get the worm!!" Dastardly adds

The skull, along with the three on it, was then fully lifted into the ship which closed shortly after they were all in it. nd then, the ship took off, faster than it's size would suggest it could go. Nnow all they had to do was get the other two skulls and the keys.

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