Part 1, my first crush...Christian

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He was my very first crush, I thought it would only last for a couple weeks because It started when I was in the 5th grade. My dad had just comitted suicide and my best friend also just moved, then about 2 days later, he moved into our school. I was all alone. He saw me sitting underneath the rock wall and came up to me, he asked if I had any friends and I ignored him thinking he was trying to be mean I did have another friend but she went to a totally different school and we only got to see eachother once every week, he then proceded to sit next to me, " I dont either" he said. Ever since then we started hanging out and I started to fall head over heals for him. He started to become more and more popular, I made more friends because people were always around him, and they also started to hang out with me. My crush for him lasted untill the 8th grade. When life school hit, he started to get less popular and he started to get mean. He would make fun of everyone who tried to help him, it was obvious he was depressed, and no matter how hard he tried to hide it, everyone could tell. I would try so hard to help him, but he would just make fun of me, call me names like "fat, ugly, cunt, stupied bitch, annoying, clingy, etc" I even started to get depressed by his words and him being so mean to me, my feeling just started to go away.
Note* He is a lot better now! And we are friends again and he apologized to everyone he has ever made fun of! But not everyone forgave him...

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