Part 5, Kianna

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Kianna & me. It is a secret from my friends and family. This one is a story that shpuld be in movies. And it is a direct continueation of part 4... Kianna also dated Sofia... And Kiannas parents found out about those 2 and forced them to break up. Kianna refused to break up with Sofia nd she never told Sofia, But one day Sofia found out. Sofia didn't like the idea of Kiannas parents hating her so she just broke up with Kianna. As I was walking to my bus, crying because I just found out my gf was cheating on me, I bumped into Kianna, She turned around and apologized, I couldnt beleive I have never seen her at my school before! She was gorgeous! She had freckles, big dark brown hair, long eye lashes, one honey brown eye and the other was a light green, even her eye brows were perfect! She smiled at me and helped me up, she was wearing mint green mom jeans, a white crop-top tank, and a mint green and black hawian button-up(it was unbuttoned). I took her hand and she helped me up. Now that I look back at it, she must've thought I was an idiot! I said this to her....Dont judge me!
"H-hi! My name's ___(I'm not telling you guys my name) and you are one of the most prettiest girls I have ever seen!"
...Don't judge meeeee!
She replied very cutely
"Haha hi! Thank you so much! I get made fun of a lot for my eyes,my name is Kianna!" She said as she held her hand out for me to shake. I took it and held onto it fir an awkward time lol! Well we started to see eachother more often in the halls after that day. And we would say hi and then go our differnt ways. At my school we do this thing were its like one half of the grade is at lunch and the other half is at studyhall, and they cange up the groups a bunch, well one day I got put in studyhall with Kianna, we just decided to sit next to eachother without really saying anything. At the very end of studyhall you get 5 mineutes just to talk and chill. Well me and Kianna were talking, and we started talking about our ex's and about eachothers home lives. Her parents are homophobic lesbians...if that makes sense? She has 2 moms and they want her to be straight and they don't want Kianna to be gay, at all. And Kianna ran away from home after Sofia broke up with her, she moved in with her aunt. She gave me her number and then we left to eat lunch we sat at differnt tables. Later that night I texted her, and we talked all night. About a week later I snuck out and I ran about 5-8 miles to her house, I live out out in the country and she lived in a nice neighborhood. So it was a long run but when I got to her house she let me inside her room. And she got snacks and drinks I ended up staying there all night! I got home and was yelled at my my mom and stepdad. The very next night... I did UT again! But I got home early enough So they didn't catch me, she started to also come over to my house and then we started to sneak out together, meaning we would meet up somewhere and just explore a bunch of places at night! It was so much fun. One day I snuck over to her house while her Aunt was away for the weekend, I was aloud to stay the night there, bit I had to lie to my mom telling her that her aunt was gonna be there. We got high and just danced all night to music and when the music wasn't playing we would still dance untill it did again! We got into her aunts wine cabinet and drank alittle we then got tired and started to talk, we were laying on our backs looking at the ceiling, we had long, deep talks and we held hands while doing so. In that moment I relized something, I found god, and she wore hawian button-ups! We had a couple more drinks and started to feel ourselves with the music...we danced fast and then we danced slow, like a bride and a groom. We layed our heads on eachothers shoulders. Then we both looked up at eachother and all of a sudden we started kissing. Then I woke up and she was in my arms, we were both naked! I got dressed whike she was still asleep and left her a note saying I headed home and that my mom called for me to come home early today. I got her a glass of water and looked through her cabinets looking for pain pills then I put the glass of water on top of the note and the pill on top of the not as Well. She never shown up to school ever again after that day, turns out the real reason she wanted me to come over was because she was moving...I never saw her again. But I did move on. She is probably happy with another girl right now!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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