Part 3, Sophia

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Sophia. Sophia. Sophia. Sophia was the straight girl every gay girl would fall for. She was super nice, super popular, wore cute clothes, loved to dance and sing, and even went on Broadway musical! Each year she plays in the nutcracker at the Ohio Stadium! Me and her have been going to school together since kindergarten, all the boys fell head over heals for her and all the girls wanted to be her friend. Well a couple months after me and Kenzie broke up she started to hang out with me. Sophia would sit next to me at lunch and she would sit next to me in all the classes we had together. Of course I started crushing on her. She would sit on my lap and always give me hugs and would always cheer me up. One day she came up to me and told me she was questioning her sexuality and said she might have a crush on me. So she asked if we can kiss to see if she felt anything. i, of course, was surprised and excited! She kissed me and told me she was straight, then after that I started to feel bad. Cuz she would come over amd get changed in front of me and we would go swimming and she would wear a really revealing bikini that would always complement her femminin body! She was HAWT! But I was fantasizing over a straight girl! I felt so bad! If she could read minds she would have stopped talking to me awhile ago! One day she started to hang out with these other people and she drifted away from me.

All My crushs😑Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora