Part 4, Sofia #2

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Sofia....she was my first Love, not just someone I took a liking too, I LOVED her! She is a differnt Sofia than the other Sophia. Well me and her became friends in the 6th grade and our relationship grew strong. We went on a school feild trip in the 10th grade, it was to a park, we were doing community cleaning. During our break me and Sofia were talking under a tree, away from everyone. She then confessed her feelings to me And that was when I relized I liked her too. We took it slow then one day we just took the biggest jump ever! We just randomly decided we were going to make out in the middle of the Cafeteria! We broke up because she started to catch feelings for Christian, and I knew about that, but one day I caught the making out behind the school! We broke up right afterwards. Now she spreads rummers about me having STDs and how I'm a slut....which I am not and I do not have STDs!

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