Chapter 3 The Cave

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Hiccup kept looking forward as Toothless flew. Astrid didn't say anything and the two journeyed on through the night not stopping. Hiccup's stomach yelled in protest as yet another chance for a meal passed. Hiccup shook the feeling off praying to Odin that the dragons wouldn't stop because they were starving too. He tried to get it out of his head, but he knew he was avoiding going to sleep and he knew why. He couldn't stop thinking of the dark gray nightfury and was extremely worried about her. Toothless obviously knowing that his rider was tired and instantly shot down to the island they were over. It took Hiccup by surprise, but he easily adjusted and watched Astrid fly down with Stormfly. They hit the ground and Hiccup dismounted his dragon. Astrid joined Hiccup and they found shelter from a storm that looked close. Of course both dragons followed carrying their supplies on their back. A bolt of lightning struck a tree close by and Stormfly instantly flew off in a panic.

"No, Stormfly come back!" Astrid yelled to her dragon.

"Hop on Astrid," Hiccup said gesturing her to get on. Astrid hoped onto Toothless and they shot up hoping to find Astrid's missing dragon.

Toothless had an extremely good sense of where Stormfly was and led the way. Hiccup focused on what was ahead of him hoping that he would see the Nadder. Hiccup saw a flicker of movement in the clouds and Toothless shot forward, catching up with Stormfly. They caught up with her and she was calmed down enough that Astrid could hop onto her and fly back to the shelter of the cave they had seen before.

Hiccup took supplies from Toothless' bag to start a fire and cook the almost spoiled raw fish. Hiccup normally would have wanted something else because they had fish for every meal they've had so far. But Hiccup was so hungry he wouldn't have cared if he ate raw spoiled fish. Astrid cooked the fish and put two on a make shift plate for Hiccup.

"Thanks Astrid," Hiccup thanked his wife and ate his share fairly quickly. He got up and threw a fish to each dragon. They hungrily ate their share of fish. They obviously didn't want to share because they had kept all of it down and settled down to sleep.

Hiccup and Astrid laid down on a few blankets they had brought. Astrid was extremely tired and fell asleep quickly. But Hiccup didn't want to sleep, but it soon overtook him like a black wave and he fell deeply asleep.


A black nightfury paced back and forth, clearly something was on its mind. A dark gray nightfury that looked like it was Cloud came up behind him and had a crestfallen look on her face.

"You don't have to go Night, please stay with us," the dark gray Nightfurry pleaded.

"I love you Cloud, but I feel something is out there that I just need to find," Night explained nuzzling her.

"I'm sorry, but Shadow said he didn't want to say anything to you if you actually left," Cloud apologized.

"It's all right, I know I wasn't his favorite dragon to spend time with," Night joked and playfully shouldered his sister.

"Yeah, I know it seems like Raven is," Cloud mumbled.

"You can't blame him she is very pretty, I'll give her that," Night said.

"Speaking of pretty did you say goodbye to Sky?" Cloud teased.

Night's cheeks got hot. "She's just a friend," he mumbled.

"Sure," Cloud giggled knowing she had found out that her brother had a soft spot for Sky. "But really did you say goodbye to her."

"Yeah and have her hate me for leaving, rather not," Night retorted.

"But if you come back she'll be even more mad," Cloud pointed out.

"She'll have a mate by then. You know that Storm likes her," Night stated.

"But she likes you," Cloud insisted.

"Fine," Night heaved. "But can you get her to wait for me?"

"I'll try, but Sky is stubborn," Cloud pointed out. "Almost as much as you."

"Thanks," Night purred. "Now I gotta go."

Cloud looked defeated, but just waved her tail goodbye and sighed, "Promise that you'll come back?"

"I promise!" Night yelled over his shoulder.

"Good," Cloud whispered and made her way back into the cave.


Hiccup woke up, but was glad that this dream was better than his others.

Perhaps if I keep getting these dreams. Hiccup got up. I'll get the whole story, but I still need to find out where I'm getting these dreams from.

Hiccup got up and decided to make breakfast for Astrid. He walked out of the shelter of the cave and the sun was beating down. The storm had passed and Hiccup gladly adjusted to the lighting change. He found a few berry bushes that were safe to eat and picked some. He had brought a satchel so he could carry what he had found. Having carried his fishing rod he caught a few fish from a nearby stream. Deciding that it was enough for breakfast went back to the cave and started cooking the newly caught fish. He set up both plates with an arrangement of berries, a fish and half a loaf of bread that he had found stuffed in his backpack. Then proceeded to feed the very hungry dragons a little cooked fish and two raw ones each. Astrid woke up to a very nice surprise and thanked Hiccup. Both riders ate their fill and decided that they would venture on.

"Astrid we should keep going," Hiccup started.

"I guess, but do we even know where were going?" Astrid asked.

"My mom only gave me vague directions, but I'm pretty sure," Hiccup answered already getting onto Toothless.

Astrid wanting to disagree felt a drop of water hit her head. Without warning it began pouring again and both dragons and riders rushed inside the cave trying not to get drenched.

"Great now we have to wait this storm out," Astrid muttered.

"It'll be ok Astrid," Hiccup responded, even though he wasn't very fond of being stuck in a cave again.

"Hiccup, as soon as this storm clears up we are going home!" Astrid exclaimed.

"Astrid we're almost there," Hiccup replied.

"The village needs you, not going on another crazy adventure of yours," Astrid responded.

"Astrid, I just feel like I have to do this," Hiccup stated. "The dreams will only get worse."

"What dreams?" Astrid asked face filling with worry.

"Remember the first dream I had?" Hiccup asked. "Well I get dreams like that every time I go to sleep. It's like some sort of story."

"Hiccup why didn't you tell me then?" Astrid questioned sitting on the cave floor.

"Well I guess I didn't get the chance to," Hiccup answered sitting on the floor with her.

"Well then why don't you tell me now," Astrid said.

Hiccup then gave her all three dreams he's had in great detail, making sure to give his wife his findings on what he thinks. After he finished Astrid looked intrigued.

"Is that it?" She asked.

"Well yeah that's it," Hiccup responded.

"If you have another dream like that I want to know, ok," Astrid said.

"Alright," Hiccup agreed. "But we're continuing the journey right?"

"Yes alright," Astrid sighed exaggerating.

Knowing it was night both of them settled down on the newly made makeshift bed and fell asleep. Hiccup less hesitant to this time.

A/N- So give me you guy's ideas, opinions, and constructive criticism.


Last Edited April 29, 2015

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