31: The Day of Doom.

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Lagos, Nigeria

"Ah! This dress looks wonderful on you! Happy 19th birthday, love, " Mrs. Karen applauded me cheerfully with a bright smile on her face as she adorned my reflection in the mirror.

I didn't say a word, talk more of a 'thank you' to her wishes. Today is July the 8th. The deadline Gaius gave me to report him to my mother. That was all that there was to the date. Not my nineteenth birthday.

I didn't see it as a day I was born so I couldn't call it the worst birthday ever because the day existed for something entirely different to the best of my acknowledgment.

But Mrs. Karen being the party rocker that she was went as far as getting me a dress from a German modiste. She planned a historically themed birthday party for me so certainly, my inability to breathe in the corset tied to my chest was certain.

My face was all smothered with pink blushes and pomade with cherry lip gloss brightening my lips. Since it was a historically themed party, a ball would simply be an accurate representation of the idea.

So Mrs. Karen invited all of my mates from music school. I didn't even associate with many of them. They were nothing but basic acquaintances and I wasn't exactly on good terms with the only person in my circle, Kosi.

She just seemed sly.

The sight of her talking to my younger brother didn't sit well with me at all and the fact that I couldn't even get a tangible reply from her when I asked her what she was discussing with Zion irked me the more.

She knew the reason why Zion and I were at serious loggerheads so I could not help but see it as her stabbing me in the back whatever her true actions were. Unless they happened to meet in the kitchen by accident but Kosi lied to me and it was unacceptable.

It hurt to realize that no one was on my side and even the ones that were would leave my side soon once the truth came out in the open.  Aside from my mother and Mrs. Karen who wished me a happy birthday this morning, no one else has. Not even my step-father.

But it wasn't like I was even in the right mood to appreciate the wishes. When my mother's voice came on the phone, I could barely utter a sentence.

"Hello? Gifty...are you there?" she asked that morning when my voice had gone mute.

"y-yes, " I answered.

"Are you okay? Are you not happy about today?"

"I am." the fact that she had no idea of the pain I was going to cause her once she learned the truth hurt me even more. It ate at me so badly that I wanted to let it all out that moment but I couldn't. I just couldn't.

"This was the same vibe you gave the last time we spoke. What's bothering you? Is it Zion? Or you wished I were around for your birthday? Is it school?"

"I'm okay, mum. I—"

"I have to go now love. Talk to you later."

I was glad she didn't say something about eventually finding out what it was that I was hiding because I wouldn't have been able to handle the threat like I did the last time. I forfeited my last opportunity of confessing to my mother although I couldn't help but wonder why she sounded as though she were in a hurry while on the phone.

Since I took the willpower I could have gathered in me for granted, I will have to harbor the fear of the unknown within me and compulsory act like I am not bothered by anything. I don't know what Gaius is going to do if he finds out that I am yet to report him so it makes my heart palpitate all the more.

The Turbulence✔️ (#1 in the Our Side of The Dice series)Where stories live. Discover now