Feelings Unfold: Sean Wallace

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Summary: Y/N is hired by Marian to keep tabs on the Dumani's. Sean takes a disliking to her, until suddenly he doesn't.

Marian Wallace was exactly what Y/N expected. Pretty, bold and assertive; the perfect crime bosses wife, a figure she'd come to know well in her line of work. She was often hired by the bosses wife; to either keep tabs on the boss himself, or the people who worked for him- their wives almost, always untrusting in both their line of work, their personal business and the people who pledged their loyalty.

Y/N had been keeping tabs on The Dumani's after Finn's death; Marian having become suspicious of both Alex and Ed following his sudden death- their seemingly continued aversion to Sean's ruling spiking suspicion within Marian.

Y/N's cover was that she was Marian's accountant; taking over the role so that Marian could focus herself elsewhere. Y/N was welcomed into the family; trusted by those she aimed to take down, but Sean seemed to despise her very being- always seeming to leave the room whenever she entered; eyes ablaze with what Y/N concluded to be pure hatred for her very soul. Y/N wasn't sure why the statement of what it meant hurt her so much, she was here to do a job; take information. That was it.

All she had to do was feed back information to Marian and then she would be on her way, off to another paying customer- this was her life, it's what she did. So why did she constantly feel the need to gain Sean's trust? Surely it had nothing to do with the way her heart fluttered every time he looked in her direction, or the way her stomach churned on the off chance that they spoke. No, surely not.

Y/N sat at the desk in Marian's office, writing hand scribbling down notes; her findings from the day messily splayed against the paper ready to be discussed with Marian later on in the day. She sighed, head falling into her hands as the tension began to build in her forehead; pain pulsating through the base of her skull as the headache increased. She paused, gathering the papers up from in front of her and shoving them into her bag.

Coming to stand, she pushed the office chair back, bare feet padding over the carpet of the floor as she moved towards the door; twisting the handle to open it before moving towards the kitchen; shivering at the cold contrast of the room from the previously heated space she had just left.

Pausing in front of the kitchen, she swallowed as she saw Sean sat at the table, fingers playing with the glass cup in front of him; eyes cold and unforgiving as he stared straight ahead.

Y/N coughed lightly in order to make her presence known, "hello, Sean." she whispered, eyes downcast as she tried to avoid his gaze for fear that he'd hold the familiar expression of hate. Y/N was surprised when he actually replied, the manner of which polite, borderlining on friendly,

"Hello, Y/N."

Y/N's head snapped up in surprise; a small
smile adoring her features before she chose her next words carefully, "I came for a glass of water, I have a headache, I won't keep you long-"

"Allow me, have a seat." Sean quipped, coming to stand just as quickly as the words had left his mouth.

Y/N stood in silent shock; he was being uncharacteristically nice to her, and the notion of it was something that made her somewhat uncomfortable but equally as pleased. She shuffled towards the kitchen table, body sinking into the chair besides Sean's.

She watched as Sean pottered about the kitchen; filling a glass with water before reaching up into the cupboard above the sink, searching for the packet of paracetamol she knew was tucked towards the back. She continued to watch as he pulled the packet out, turning back around to face her before sidling up at the table, placing both the glass and medicine in front of her, smiling softly as he did.

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