Colour Me Blue: Sean Wallace

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Summary: Sean has been distant; seemingly ignoring his wife's affections for that of Lale. Little does he know his wife is harbouring a secret; she's pregnant.

Y/N watched as Sean laughed along with Lale; the smirk that was once only reserved for her now being shared with the other woman. Y/N watched as Sean leaned in slightly closer; lips pressing close to Lale's ear as he whispered something. The all too familiar feeling of bile rising in her throat as she watched, stomach churning painfully in what could only be described as impending heartache; that paired with the secret she held, the small swell of her stomach unnoticed by her husband, much like herself lately, she thought.

As she looked at Lale, suddenly every single ounce of doubt she ever had about herself intensified tenfold- every small detail of herself was compared to the woman who stood with her husband. Suddenly her hair didn't seem as shiny, her nose not as perfectly pointed, eyes not as bright, lips not as soft; Y/N felt inadequate compared to the woman who seemed to have all of her husbands attention.

Clearing her throat, Y/N made her presence known as she stepped out of the shadows of the hallway and into the low light, "Sorry to interrupt, dinner is waiting if you're ready, Sean?"

Sean nodded once, a tight smile gracing his features; eyes travelling the length of his wife, and suddenly she felt small. So very, very small. The bile once again returning; the churning of her stomach suddenly more pressing. She excused herself, rushing out into the hall and down the corridor towards the bathroom. Throwing the door open and closed in what seemed like the same second, Y/N hurtled towards the toilet basin, hands coming to grip the lid as it was thrown open; the contents of her stomach making its way up and out of her throat, bile burning in its path.

Y/N fell back on her knees, pushing the hair from her face and rubbing a hand over her mouth- the scene from the living room playing over and over in her head; the more she thought about it, the more the tears began to fall; hands coming up to cover her mouth in attempt to muffle the sound her cries.

Collecting herself, Y/N stood on shaky legs; hand coming to press over the swell of her stomach once again before she took a glance in the mirror, eyes darting around quickly at what she saw; suddenly aware of every imperfection. She huffed once, hands coming up to scrape her hair back before she opened the bathroom door just in time to watch Sean leave the house with Lale in tow.

The hollow hole in Y/N's chest only seemed to deepen; the light behind her eyes slowly dimming as she watched the man she loved essentially slip away from her.


It was late when Sean returned home. The nights air cold as it wrapped around his body when he exited the car; he sighed, coming to lean back against the car door, large palm coming to rub over his face, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger, as he did a hand came to rub at his eyes.

Locking the car door, he pushed up off the vehicle and sauntered up the steps. He unlocked the door, expecting to find all the lights off; but as he stepped into the threshold, the low dwell of the kitchen light caught his attention. He sighed knowing Y/N was still up. He walked slowly towards the light source, bracing himself for the conversation he knew was coming.

Business was tough at the moment; threats from every angle, enemies being held close; he supposed be was holding some a little closer, and he knew how that must have looked. But the reality of the situation was that he needed to gain Lale's trust; lull her into a false sense of security before wringing her dry of all that she was. He knew it was hurting his wife, the pained expression ever present when she looked at him; he hated himself for it, knowing that it was him that was hurting her- the jealousy she felt towards Lale only playing a small role in her heartbreak. He was responsible. But in breaking her heart, he was keeping her safe.

Sean entered the kitchen, eyes finding Y/N sat at the kitchen table; the table adorned in half burnt candles, an array of food covering the table; the wine bottle left untouched. Y/N barely had the energy to look up at him as he sat down across from her, his right hand coming to rest on the table as he did so.

Y/N pushed the chair back, the rate in which she suddenly did causing it to scrape harshly over the tiled floor. Tears began to burn her vision, Sean jumping up to catch her arm just before she walked out the door,

"Don't," She breathed, voice barely above a whisper; eyes refusing to look her husband in the eye.

"Talk to me, Y/N," Sean pleaded, eyes swimming in concern for his wife; heart beginning to hammer in dread for what she was about to say.

"There's nothing left to say, Sean," Y/N cried, struggling free from the grip at her arm as she backed away, turning to brush the tears from her cheeks.

Sean watched as she took a shuddering breath, his heart clenching painfully at the sight of her tears, "are you sleeping with her?"

Sean looked at her in shock, mouth opening and closing as he formed his next sentence, "No baby, no. Jesus Christ, Y/N! Is that what you think?"

Y/N laughed, head nodding before she laughed bitterly, "You've given me every reason to believe it, Sean."

Sean continued to stare at his wife; a rage suddenly bubbling as he turned and threw the chair he had previously been sitting at towards the opposite end of the room.

Y/N stood unphased. Eyes following her husband as he began to pace the room; hands coming up to comb through his hair- something he often did when he was stressed. She said nothing, eyes lingering on him as he continued to pace,

"For fucks sake, Y/N. I would never, ever do that to you, I-"

Y/N's head snapped up, "You what, Sean? Love me? Because right now, it feels as if you can't bare to be around me."

"THAT ISN'T IT, Y/N," Sean suddenly roared, body snapping so quickly in the direction of his wife the table shook, the wine glasses clinking together against the plates just as the clock chimed midnight.

"That isn't it," He spoke, much more calmly this time, carefully walking towards his wife as if testing that he was okay to do so. He reached her, hands circling the tops of her arms to anchor her to him; a finger gently coming to tilt her chin towards him; crystal blue eyes boring into her own.

"Then what is it, Sean? Why do you spend so much time away from me, away from our home?" She whispered, broken.

Sean sighed before speaking, eyes closing as he breathed her in, "I don't want you hurt, Y/N. I couldn't bare it- I thought that if I could gain Lale's trust, make her believe in the lie that I could take her down. If I pushed you away, I would be keeping you safe. You wouldn't get wound up in all the danger. I never meant to hurt you."

Y/N exhaled, eyes closing as she finally gave in; moulding herself against Sean just as she always had done, hand coming up to cling to his shirt, "I'm pregnant,"

Sean stilled, his heart hammering, ears buzzing, "Pregnant?" he breathed, breath fanning over Y/N as he did

Y/N turned her head, ear covering the place where his heart beat, nodding ever so slightly, "I've been meaning to tell you, I just-"

"I know. I've been a fucking arsehole, I'm sorry, fuck I'm sorry." Sean gasped, arms encircling his wife once again, "Please know that I would never- you're all I need."

Y/N looked up to her husband; her eyes a deep pool of emotion much like his; hands coming up to play with the hair at the nape of his neck, a small smile gracing her features. "I'm sorry for doubting you," She whispered.

Sean shook his head, thumb kneading over the apple of her cheek as he spoke, "I'm sorry for giving you a reason to."

Y/N returned her face to Sean's chest, "are you happy?"

"Of course I am, I'm always happy with you." Sean replied, voice uncharacteristically small, "We're going to have a baby,"

Y/N smiled, hands gripping him just a little tighter, "We are."

"I will keep you safe. Both of you " Sean expressed.

Y/N looked up to him once again, placing a small, chaste kiss to the corner of his, "I know you will, Sean."

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