Be good

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Cassie:" lily wake up hurry"!
"No it's to early"! As I said in a unclear voise.
Haley and tijs (tie-j)rush up to the stairs to my room.
"What's happening"? I say as i sit up quickly.
Haley:"lily pack your bags"!
"Wait why... What did I do"?
Tijs:"nothing just start packing"!
"First tell me what's going on"! I start getting worried as I start to shake a little.
Tijs:"just start packing"! Haley and tijs just keep on telling me to pack my bag as I tell them the same thing. We're arguing over each other.
"Ok fine...but your gonna tell me what's happening after when I'm done packing".
I grab everything I need. Pants, shorts, shirts, sweaters, shoes, and fun little activitys to do. i go down stairs and go to the kitchen.
"Alright now tell me what's going on".
Cassie:" we are going to disney land"!her smile grew big. But when she said disney land her smile started falling to a frown. But then she looked at my brother tijs and put on a fake smile fast.
"You know what I know you guys are playing with me so you know what I'm gonna do... I'm gonna go back to sleep".
I head up stairs as I hear them whispering.
Haley:" your gonna die"!!
"Shut up Haley"!
Cassie:"no she's right you will die".
Tijs:"oh my gosh just stop playing around show her the news".
Haley:"I think we are missing another sister"?
Cassie:" oh crap julie and nathan"!!!
Cassie and Haley rush up the stairs to julie and Nathan's room. Tijs walks to the TV, pushes the bottom and looks for the news channel.
Tijs:"listen to it lily".
News lady:" everyone remain calm, we need everyone to keep in complete lock down, if your at a restaurant come back home quick. There is an affection that when you get bitten you will turn into one of them.
"Wait into what"?
Tijs:"shut up and watch"!
News lady:"it all started at the Science lab, they were trying to find a new medication, so they Tried it on someone to taste and they ended up as the things we call zombies (walkers or biters).
Tijs:"turns off the tv".
Cassie,haley,ben, and julie all come down stairs.
Tijs:"are you guys ready"?
They all reply yes exept for me. I was so shocked that the world would come to zombies. Like zombies aren't real".
We see this man with this cross bow behind his back. He Look at us in a dirty way as we pass him. Everybody in running and the streets are full.
I spot a zombie from far away.
"Guys there's a zombie hurry up and let's leave"!!!
We all get in the car and leave off the mountains.
*one hour later*
Cassie:"this part right here looks calming I think we can take break".
"No we can't...because first of all nobody's working anymore, and we need to get to the airport fast before there is no more flights".
Tijs:"you know what I'm not stopping we are going to the airport"!!
Tijs starts driving to the airport. Nobody said a word a till we got there.

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