chapter 1

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Pic is ironhides holoform!

(Ironhides pov)

I was in my Alt form when captain lennox walked out of the house and towards me and tapped my hood then got in

I just grunt

"We need to pick up my niece from her school and get her car she's moving in with us" captain lennox said


I just grunted in response and drove to her school and turned on my holoform and got out of the divers side of my Alt form and lennox got out of the passenger side

As we got in the school i felt it...

My sparkmate was here!?

(Y/N) pov

I got into another fight and broke the boys wrist but he had it coming for picking a fight with me. I was dragged off of him cuz i wouldn't stop punching him and im pretty sure i broke his nose too? Im not sure anyway im sitting in the office bored out of my mind in cuffs might i add 'the school cops thought i was 'dangerous' they said' I thought to myself quietly.
I had a bloody nose that they wouldn't let me wipe off with my sleeve because they were scared I would 'attack them' UGH! I had a busted bottom lip and a black eye and my knuckles were bloody as well

'Great' I thought

I then heard the door open and when I went to look it was my uncle frozen in place staring at my face probably ready to kill some one 'oh yeah I forgot to mention my uncle is super protective of me' and a male I had never seen before staring at my cuffs and then my face so I sent him a small smirk and a wink to which he looked away with a faint blush so i smirked more.

(Btw he could smell his sparkmate sent Idk but it got stronger in till they were in the office and he looked at you)

The stange man got the cuffs off and I nodded to him what can I say I'm a women of few little words in till you've earned my trust then I become like a little kid at a cady store but I hardly let anyone in. The man helped me up and walked me to the womens bathroom with my uncles permission of course and waited for me outside while I freashend up

I walked out of the restroom and saw him leaning against a wall with girls drooling over him and I could tell he was little uncomfortable so I walked over to him and glared at the girls and they glared right back at me

"If you don't want a bullet in your shoulder tonight. Back. Off." I said in a sickly sweet tone

They all scampered out of the way and back to class and some went to the restroom I saw he was about to say something to me but I just glared at him and walked off to find my uncle with the man walking behind me with a confused look with a little hint of anger...Okay alot of anger but I was not a pupput to be controlled by a man or anyone for that matter. The day a man takes control of me will be my last day on earth because I'm not a boys toy. Though there a some men who are kind but there rare now a days

But still the stranger walked behind me like a lost little puppy dog and I loved it!

I turned the coner to see my uncle talking to my parents and I froze making the man behind me bump into me and I had a feeling he was going to say something but saw how tense I was and started to rub circles in the small of my back even though i jumpend at first and my walls came tumbling down like Dominos

but I wont let that happen again!

If its the last thing I do!

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