chapter 3

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(Y/N) pov

Okay So everyone is asleep...I hope

I turn on my light and quickly change and turn off my light and open my door and try to get out of the house


thank god!?
my uncle is a light sleeper.
Just as I was about to touch the door nob the living room lamp turns on casting light in the living and on me

"Fuck" I mumble and telt my head back and groan turn around and see the same strange male looking at me.
I really should get his name

"Hey um...So I never really got your name" I say quietly as to not wake my aunt and uncle or there baby up

"Oh so you want that now or are you just trying to make small talk because I caught you sneaking out?"

At this point he stood up and walk right infront of me and he was little taller then me

'For this to work I'm gonna have to run out the door but he'll most likely grab or tackle me to ground or I can try and flirt my way out...I'll try the second option first' I thought to myself

I gave him a small wink which caught him off guard rightfully so

With him distracted I pinned him against the wall with his arm's above his head, my left leg between his almost touching his crotch and my chest against his. He looked at me wide eyed

"Well can't I get a cuties name like yours" I telt my head to the side a little and gave a small pout

He looked at me still wide eyed and I smile a cute innocent one and kiss him on the cheek let go of him and went outside

Got in my car and was a bout to drive off but the passenger door opened
I look to my right and there he was getting into my passenger side

"Aw if you wanted to come with all you had to do was ask" I gave a small smile

And start to drive of with him in the car but when we were half way there I stoped at the side of the road and looked at him and he did the same

"Now I wish to know your name oh!and also what im about to show you you can't tell anyone not even my uncle he wouldn't let me out of the house"

"Name's Ron and how bad is it"

"Just street racing" he looked shocked but nodded

"And one more thing don't use my name there we use are racing name so no-one can get info about us it could bad btw my racing name is shooting star"

"Why code names" Ron asked

(Ironhides pov)

(Y/N) sighed and her face became serious which let me know this was no laughing matter

"A girl let this boy use her real name and the boy began to stalk her and do things that really creeped her out but one day he asked her out and she rejected and for that he broke into her house and killed her and her parents but they found out that he did some things to her before he killed her"

After that the car was slient while
(Y/N) drove

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