[5] sibylline

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I thought I'd have it all figured out in a couple of hours; that I would know the members, their names, and their locations within a day

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I thought I'd have it all figured out in a couple of hours; that I would know the members, their names, and their locations within a day. I was clearly underestimating the abilities of a secret organisation that colluded with the government and other national bodies; that was a mistake on my part and only my part. The only thing I had really learned in my research is that the team operates all around the country and hates photography more than any other living being.

Something else I learned is that my friends become worried when I develop a dedication to learning something. The several disappearances to the library within a two day span had caused my 'mother' and 'father' to become silently judgemental; worrying in private to the point they'd called one of my high school friends, Chloe, to try and coax some feeling out of me.

I knew I was going to halt my research due to a lack of viable evidence, but I couldn't exactly explain my actions to her; she wouldn't understand. Chloe, as it happened, had her own reasons for coming to my 'parents' aid; an engagement party that I declined to attend. It wasn't that I wasn't happy that Chloe was getting married, I just couldn't find it in myself to celebrate anything; even a childhood friend going through an important milestone.

"We'll drink and have a good time," is what Chloe had said as she threw a dark blue shirt at me that I hadn't seen since the last wedding I had attended. She had said that with such vigour, but, of course, as soon as we arrived at the party, the bride-to-be expectedly disappeared into the crowd. I couldn't complain about that; it left me sitting at the bar with nothing more to do than stare at the glass in my hand.

The fan was blowing directly on me, a crisp freshness that eased how hot and bothered I had been feeling. The bartender told me that it was going to rain tonight, but that did nothing to ease the fact the bar was close to boiling point. I decided that I would stay for a drink or two and enjoy the company of distant friends for a little bit longer. Chloe, as energetic as she was, had always been an endearing woman and having her around was in no shape or form a chore. I had to admit it was better than being alone.

The bar was bigger than I remembered it being, the sensual, warm glow made it seem smaller and give off a homey feel. They'd recently installed a karaoke machine, that the bridal party was surrounding and taking turns on. There were Christmas decorations from two months back still strewn from the ceiling. The floors creaked, and the lights flickered, but I felt safe.

The warm embrace of safety didn't last as long as I'd hoped, as news of my attendance reached the more sober of the bridal party. One of whom I often did my best to hide from - the woman knowing exactly which buttons to press when I was worse for wear. The hiding, of course, did little to deter, as it didn't take long for her to find me.

"You look terrible, Bastian."

Her hands rested on my shoulders as they popped their head to the right of me. Victoria; a friend I'd had for as long as I could remember; and that was before I had any memory to retain. She'd popped up in my new school and clung to me as tightly as she could. I couldn't find it in me to protest her actions; she was there for me when I needed her to be, leant her ear and compassion and asked for nothing in return.

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