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Levi avoided Erwin with all he could. He thought that if he ignored him, he would lose these strong feelings he has for him so he busied himself with whatever he could.

He trained, cleaned, cooked, hell he even hung out with Hanji.

He was pretty successful until he heard that there would be an expedition, that expedition was today. Today would be the day they took back their humanity.

The day they were going to plug Wall Maria up.

Levi sat on his black stallion. His horse had a beautiful rich black coat of fur and shining golden brown eyes.

"OPEN THE GATES!" Erwin yelled, Levi glances at him for a split second but turned away when they started moving.


The ride was a bit bumpy there but they made it. It was a little off though, as Armin found a pot meaning the titan shifters were at their location not too long ago, or maybe even still there.

Levi was sectioned off with his group and they went off. Before Levi left he felt a presence behind him and then a breath on his ear.

"Please be careful out there"

"Tch of course I will be im not dumb." But that was just Levi's way of saying he will.

Levi was separated from his group but that didn't mind him, he was just speed killing titans until he wasn't. As Levi was about to strike down yet another titan one came up from behind and smacked Levi fast,

fast and hard.

Levi has no time to prepare and was thrown into the rubles of a beaten down house.

He hissed in pain when he moved, looking down Levi saw one of his swords went through his stomach.

He had nothing, nobody to help him. Levi bit down on his cravet and pulled the sword out, muffled screams of pain.

At this rate levi would bleed out but he wasn't that ready to leave yet, he still had to make it up to Erwin. Levi took his cape off and tied it the best he could around his stomach and used his other sword as a walker.

Levi slowly started seeing people and those people was his squad.

Reckless Lover (Eruri)Where stories live. Discover now