5 Minute Artist Meme

71 18 5

Here we go
I (legally, shUt-) stole this from Jackie
Who (legally) stole it from the interwebs


beautI have three favourite colour palettes lmao

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I have three favourite colour palettes lmao

also turns out my cursive is actually looking kindA niCe there-
But if you can't read it:

Name: Call me Lynn (that isn't my real name lol)

Fav things to Draw

- Country Humans
- Calming / Meaningful (to me lol)
- Dragons
- Whatever

Least Fav things to draw

- Animals / Furries
- Realistic
- Detailed Backgrounds
- Food

I just really don't like drawing food qwq
and animals are hArd

Here's the original

Here's the original

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Fun fact: this actually took me 40 minutes because i forgot how to draw

Fun fact 2: I didn't know what the hecc sequential art vs. illustration meant so i left it blank


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