thats really unsmart (sof, ari & sie)

23 13 6


i have been tHiNkiNg
(amazing, i know)
and i want to change Sierris's gender to ✨male✨ (using he/him)

which also means slight name change, to Sierren

anyways, here's art

green guy is moving to the hall of memories, i personally dislike his flag colours and overall design

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green guy is moving to the hall of memories, i personally dislike his flag colours and overall design


sierren's personality isn't changing, he's still my strategic guy
still can't beat him at any game that has to do with strategy (chEss)
he's also a lot more work focussed than anything, and stays more uptight than relaxed

sofryn is my free spirit, still acting quite young and immature. she can quickly become more mature and proper if needed though.
she loves anything to do with the outdoors and nature
she's basically that one person that's nearly always happy and childish, but also has a mature side

arison is my lowkey pyromaniac girly that approaches everything "logically". logically is in quotations because what she considers logical isn't always necessarily logical to everyone else.
she's usually pretty good with making sure everyone is heard as well, and strongly dislikes it when people purposefully exclude others.

arison and sofryn are those two friends that you would assume were sisters if you didn't know they weren't.

sierren is still sofryn's older brother sksk

thank you for reading me ramble on about my ocs, i feel like their mother lmao

you may not touch them either.

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