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cutter: so where do you live

Carla: I live on Relentless razorwing island now will you stop asking so many questions. don't you have anything better to do than sit here all-day?

cutter: nope! 

Carla: GREAT! So I'm stuck with a woolless sheeps and the most talkative dragon in the world. 

Cutter: Hey! its not so bad you should try to spend a day with Magnus 

Carla: Who's Magnus?

Cutter: You don't wanna know

carla: why do you even live here you should be living with the rest of your family.

cutter: the rescue riders are the only family I know. they found me as an egg on a sea stack in the middle of the ocean.

Carla: Oh..I'm really sorry

Cutter: It's okay, I think of them like family anyways 

*Hugs haggis*

*Carla looks down sadly*

Cutter: Whats wrong?

Carla: It's nothing

Cutter: Oh it's something alright, I've seen that look lots of times, now whats up?

Carla: I just wish sometimes that the dragons back home wouldn't just care about themselves and start coming together like you guys. 

Cutter: Oh...well, you can stay with us


--------------Time Skip---------------

dak: were back.

cutter: did you guys stop rocky from drowning. 

dak: yeah

cutter: than what took you so long its just a rock

aggro: elbone fell in the water and we had to save him too

cutter: oh

winger: it getting late

cutter: come on carla i will show you where the sleep cave. 

carla: you guys sleep indoors?

summer: yeah 

carla: wow cool.

* go to sleep cave*

Rescue Riders: Cutter's Lost SisterWhere stories live. Discover now