Chapter 1

40 4 8

7:25 a.m.

The Block Estate: London

August 1st, 2019

     Massie Block paced in front of her black pug, Bean trying to push down the feelings of nervous anticipation that were swarming her as her life was being uprooted for the second time. To distract herself from the turmoil within her, she stopped in front of her full length mirror, one of the only things in her room that hadn't been moved to her new house yet and inspected her Pretty Comittee reunion outifit. It was a total 10, she couldn't be anything less when she met up with her BFFs after what had felt like forever. She was wearing a white Calvin Klein tank dress, black knee length high heeled boots, and a black faux fur shrug. Her chestnut colored hair was pulled up into a flawles bun, completing the look. She smoothed down her hair, smiling at herself. Even if everything else in her life had to change, her fashion sense would always be impeccable. 

     A honk sounded from outside the massive castle, jolting her from her thoughts and signaling that it was time to go. Sliding on her gold rimmed Chanel sunglasses (a goodbye gift from her London besties), Massie picked up Bean and her pink Nine West handbag and went out to meet her parents, blowing a final kiss at her reflection as she went. They were waiting outside in their new Audi R8 Spyder, and she quickly slid inside, trailing her fingers on the smooth leather seats. As soon as they stated moving, her parents began chatting animatedly about her father's company, apparently he was going to be opening a new branch in Wisconsin to expand his profits or something like that. Massie rolled her eyes and pulled out her iPhone to avoid being roped into the conversation. She noticed with delight that she had laready recieved some texts from the PC. She opened Alicia's message first. 

A: Cant w8 to c u! Its been forever! P.S. I have hawt gssp abt the skl were going 2. At least 1,000 pts

Massie chuckled as she remembered that fateful night in which she conducted a video call with everyone's parents and had somehow convinced them that moving to Wisconsin would be the best possible desicion. Except Merri-Lee, but she had agreed to let Dylan come and stay with Massie. She idly wondered what Alicia's gossip could possibly be, but decided she could get it out of her soon enough. Next she read Claire's message.

C: Heyy Mass! Just wanted 2 wish u a safe flight! Wanna go back to skl shopping when u get here? I heard theres an amazing mall in Bayshore!

Massie doubted it could beat the Westchester but she had never been one to say no to shopping.

D: Did u get leesh to spill the gossip abt our new skl yet? I tried and she wont budge. Also which top do u think looks best with my hair?

She sent 2 pictures, one of a blue crop top and the other of an emerald geen halter. Massie decied the green one would go best with Dylan's hair color and skin tone. 

K: Hey Massie! Howz the flight? Btw, I heard that Milwaukee has wayy cuter boys than Westchester! Cant w8 2 scout for boyfriends 2gether!

Massie sat back, enjoying the rain scented breeze for the last time and sighed. Soon everything would be back exactly how it was supposed to be. 

6: 17 p.m.

Union Station: Chicago

August 1st

Claire Lyons sleepily pulled her duffel bag out of the taxi, waving goodbye to her parents and her younger brother Todd. Although Alicia's dad, Len, had been kind enough to let everyone ride on the Rivera's private jet, the flight had been extremely tiring. She checked her bangs in the front camera of her Samsung phone and noticed that her eyes were red. Ugh. So not how she wanted to look when she saw her best friend after she had moved to London unexpectedly. Shrugging her shoulders and vowing to put on some eyeliner to make it less noticeable, she struggled up the steps to the impressive limestone building. The wind whipped through the air, making her immensley grateful she had chosen to wear a hoodie and jeans, instead of the mini-dress Alicia had picked out for her. 

She pulled out her camera to take pictures of the large building while she waited for the other girls, who had taken Alica's limo, to arrive. She couldn't wait for Massie to see her new haircut. When a reporter came to interview her for Dial L for Loser, a movie that Claire had starred in in 7th grade, she had condescendingly commented on how "cute" it was that Claire had kept her Florida hairstyle for so long. Alicia had booked an appointment with her stylist for Claire the very next day. Now her sun-bleached blonde hair was a wavy shoulder length bob, with her bangs swept to the side and pinned behind her ear. She tugged on her short ringliets, wondering if Massie would think she looked mature, or more like a little kid than she did before.

 When a limo pulled a up and a leggy redhead, a sultry brunette, and a sporty blonde came out it seemed like everyone's eyes were on them, and even Claire had to admit that they looked good. Alicia was wearing a red tube top, white pre-ripped jeans and ballet flats, and a long red RL trench coat. Her dark curls rested just above her c-cups, looking perfectly in place even despite the harsh wind. Dylan was wearing a greem halter, dark wash jeans, and Ugg boots, while Kristen's outfit was the same, though her top was white and her jeans light washed. Kristen and Dylan were wearing matching furtrimmed hoodies. The entire group looked like they'd just stepped off the set of a glamorous music video. Claire was proud to be friends with them, though she couldnt help but feel that something was missing from their tight-knit group, a feeling that had plagued her since Massie had left. She pushed those feelings aside and flounced inside with her friends, knowing that the missing peice from their puzzle would be arriving soon. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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