1.hi sara

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Name of the director and stuff on the screen or the city where sara lives. In the background sara speaks of her life and family.

"Hi there you know what i always wanted a big family. But now i think otherwise. My family is very different yet so similar to many south indian family. Its better to see it for yourself. I guess i have to start from the hospital i was born just outside the labour room"

Outside the labour room there is a middle aged man waiting for his wife and also a kid of 5yrs waiting for his mother.

The man is surprised to see the kid alone. He asks him.
"Mone, are you alone don't you have any elders with you". Boy innocently looks at the man and shakes his head and starts explaining.
"My dad...." screen shows his father in dubai.
"Dad's ma..." an old lady shouting at a pregnant women and a five yr old boy "who do you think will look after you. My son will provide all the expenses but don't expect us to take care of you now run along to your family and come back when you can do all the work over here"
Again to the scene of hospital the boy continues and the man listens.
"My mema and mamma's ma came but.." scene of a women (mema) shopping.
"What about your grandma son you said she also came".
The boy points to a old lady in her 50s immersed in talking with everyone. Just then the nurse comes with a baby girl and call out ayesha's relatives. The boy runs to the nurse and looks at his baby sister with adoration. And slightly kisses her forehead and wishpers
"Hi sara."

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