Chapter One - But... Where's Twizel?

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The school courts were full of people, people milling around, people talking and laughing, and for once not wanting to leave. The last day of school was always like this, Connor thought. Games with your teacher - even the strictest of teachers took part in this tradition -, then yearbook signing, and of course the final assembly, where the Year Eights cried and hugged each other goodbye, and the Year Sevens relaxed, looking forward to the holidays and the next year where they would be the seniors of the school. Then into the courts - where everyone hung around for ages afterwards, until the teachers had to come and herd everyone away. It was a sad day for some, but also one of the best days of the year.

"See ya, Connor!" a passing boy raised his hand in farewell. Rupert, one of Connor's closest friends.

He waved. "See you later!"

"Bye Connor," Noah said, walking past with a few of his friends.

"Bye, see you during the holidays."

Some girls from his class walked through the gate. They gave him a small wave. "Have a good holiday Connor!"

He stood waiting, waiting by the gates as fellow Year Sevens - Year Eights, now! - and future high schoolers left the grounds. He waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Connor glanced at his phone; 3:18. Where was his sister? He rolled his eyes. Probably still engaging in tearful farewells with her Year Eight friends. It was almost silly, he thought, as nearly every girl from ANI would go on to Epsom Girls. It wasn't as if they would never see each other again.

Sure, he understood being popular. As a decent sports player, he was pretty popular himself. But Sapphire was part of the Year Eight group. So she had a lot of popular, pretty friends. But seriously? 20 minutes?

He stabbed at her contact in his phone. He pressed the phone to his ear, listening to the monotone ringing, waiting to be picked up.

"Hi, Sapphire Skelton here, sorry that I missed your call, just leave a message and I'll ring you back! Thanks!"

Her cheery, upbeat message. Connor hung up without leaving a voicemail and called her straight back. She was definitely available. Just caught up saying goodbye.

"Hi, Sapphire Skelton here, sorry that-"

"Whatever, Saphie," Connor muttered. He pressed call again, sighing.



"Sapphire!" a crying girl came up to her. It was one of her best friends, Hailey.

"The year has gone by so fast, but I'm so happy that I don't have to say goodbye to you today," Hailey said with tears streaming down her face.

Sapphire hugged her. "I know!"

Luckily for Sapphire, most of her friends would be going to Epsom Girls with her but she would have to say goodbye to her boyfriend, Hunter, and all of her other friends. As she was saying bye she felt her phone vibrate against her leg for the second time in a row. She reached into her skort pocket and grabbed it out and when she saw that it was Connor she put it right back in. She felt it vibrate again and decided to take it.

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