Chapter One: Depression

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*Ruby POV*

I looked into the mirror. All I saw was a monster. I always wanted to be a hero, but instead became something more sinister than the Grimm. The harder I looked at myself, the bigger the migraine became. Memories flooded back to me. Ones of when I was younger, happy. Laughing, until they became more recent, events of me beating (Y/N) all those times. Even shooting as practice, me laughing all the while he cried. I didn't deserve happiness. I deserve his pain, his suffering for all the wrong I did to him. I looked down at the razor as I started cutting myself. The pain flared in my arms as I felt what it feels like to be him. I deserved it though. I am but a monster that should be tortured.

*Yang POV*

I sat at Juniors bar drinking. I'm pathetic, weak. No wonder my mom left me. I deserved no love. I am weak, quick to anger. It felt cold, because of me. I caused this, I am the worse. I should just die. Go into the back alley and die like the filth I am. It wouldn't matter, yet make the world a better place. Because of me, it's not. It's all my fault. I hate myself. I fuck everything up. Wherever I go, I fuck it up. Like my mother and father's relationship. Even (Y/N), a boy to always respect me, a person who a whore, one who doesn't deserve respect, and yet I hurt him. I hugged (Y/N)'s shirt as his scent faded away leaving nothing but a ghost to keep me company.

*Weiss POV*

I sat on the roof, looking up into the night sky. It was so beautiful, so perfect, unlike me. I deserve death, to be thrown out. How could I hurt someone so precious, someone so perfect. That's my biggest fault, is always being in the way. It doesn't matter, I deserve to die anyways.  I'm worse than my dad. People would applause in the streets if I hung myself. Damn myself, I deserve to be shot, no one would care. After all, I'm a nuisance, a failure, but most importantly, a mistake.

*Blake POV*

I sat reading in my bed, but my thoughts kept getting in the way. How could I, a terrorist, a bitch, hurt someone who accepted me. People like me are the reason for all the problems in the world. It would be best to throw myself off a cliff, or shoot myself. I deserve death. I had to be a fucking hypocrite. Worse than Ada. People wouldn't mind me slitting my own neck. I'm only a waste of space after all.

*Lyla POV*

I sat beside my brother's bed. He was asleep because of shock. I should've known better, done something. I'm sorry I didn't see your suffering. From now on, I'll make sure you safe and happy. Nothing like this will ever happen again.

Hello, here is another chapter. Vote if you liked it and maybe follow me and I'll follow you back home. Until next time, coffee out.

Word count 524

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