Vol. 2

44 3 9


"Vicki it's fine-" Sophia said. "No it's not! You heard what he called you?" I asked tearing up.

"Yes, now leave it please!" She said pleading with me to drop it. "Fine just please stay safe." I say wiping a loose tear.

We pulled away, Regulus gazing at me with a certain softness that is in my opinion adorable. I checked the clock on the wall, "half past 10." I say muttering the time. Regulus heard and grabbed my hand.

"We should get going it's almost midnight." He said in a soft tone gripping my hand lightly. I nodded and we walked out of the Hufflepuff common room.

"Well if it isn't Ms. Perfect and her boy toy." The voice belonging to a person who I despise with a passion. "Goodnight Lestrange." I said pulling Regulus towards our common room.

"Vicki-" Regulus says but being cut off by me pulling him.

----------Reggie's Pov-----(bet you didn't expect that)

Vicki pulled me in the direction of the Slytherin headquarters. "Vicki-" I say but being cut off by her pulling me.

We ran back to the common area. As I try to get Oxygen, she's just walking off into her room.

I see her off and walk to my dormitory, sweeping here and there getting all the dust up off of the beautiful walnut floors.

I see a letter on my desk from mother and father that I had put there this morning. I skim the page only to find that I have to leave in a month to complete my training to become a death eater.

I set down the letter gently to not crease the fragile paper. I change into my night clothes. Which consists of a lose black tee-shirt and pj pants.

I lay down on the linen sheets thinking about becoming a death eater 'what if I put Aurora in danger?' I think fluttering my eyes before drifting of into a dream.


"Sirius Orion Black get down from the counter!" I hear mother shriek from the kitchen. I hear a loud slap and yelling giving up on eavesdropping I walk back to my bedroom.

"Is Master black ok?" Kreacher asked in his raspy voice. "Yes." I say hearing a loud scream coming from the kitchen. "Is Master ok? If not Kreacher will try to make Master Black feel better." He said in the softest tone he could muster.

I hear the scream come again, and a red light coming from the kitchen followed by another scream. "Shut up boy I am trying to work." Father booms walking from his office to the kitchen.

I drown out the noise by getting sucked into my new book mother bought me yesterday about potions and dark magic.

I wake up in a cold sweat slightly shaking from the traumatizing memory. I change into my uniform, wiping away any dirt from my dress shirt.

I walk down to the common room my black leather dress shoes tapping on the cold stone stairs. "Good morning sleepy head." Aurora says her slight French accent. "Morning." I say my stomach grumbling from hunger.

"Rikki and Soph should be up in a little bit." She says sipping her water. I nod taking in the warm presence of the fragrant fire. I sit down on the dark leather couch, as Aurora lays a blanket on my shoulders kissing my head after doing so.

------------Back To Aurora's POV-------------

I lay a blanket on Regulus' shoulders kissing his head after laying the blanket on his shoulders.

Rikki and Sophia walked in shortly afterwards. "Get a room!" Sophia whisper yells. We all walk to the Great hall, and the not surprising part is that it's barren. We sat down at the empty table, either doing homework or being half asleep.

Rikki was getting more sleep and told us to and I quote 'Let me sleep and wake me up for Breakfast'. Sophia & I were doing charms homework, and Regulus had his face in his elbows sleeping.

Remus walked in quietly. As he walks in I finish my homework, so I walk over there quickly and quietly to scare him. "Boo!" I say from behind him. "Jesus christ!-" Remus says somewhat loudly. I can see Regulus and Rikki waking up from the loud noise.

I stayed at the Griffindor table for about five more minutes until, the rest of the 'Mauraders' came in.

And guess what the first thing I heard come out of one of their mouths? "Get lost snake!" One of them yelled towards my direction. I sighed grabbing the rest of my apple until Remus grabbed my arm pulling me down.

"Please stay." Remus said in a soft whisper tone. I nod and continue to eat my apple. They reached us at the table "Qu'est ce qu'elle fait ici?" (Translation: what is she doing here?" Sirius said obviously no knowing I speak French.

"Eh bein, je veux dire que je poirrais patir mais ce ne serait pas amusant." I said with sarcasm lacing my voice. (Translation: well I mean I could go but that would be no fun.) Sirius looked at me shocked. I smirk at his shocked expression.

I see Rikki walking towards my direction, she throws me a apple and hits me in the head- . It hits my head and it hits it hard. I fall from my seat and catch the apple mid-air.

I slam it on the table from my position on the floor. I hear Sophia running to me, "Oh my gods are you okay?!-" Sophia says running to me on the floor.

I get up and brush off my trousers. Wiping off any dirt, "I'm fine." I say to my concerned friend. She nods walking over towards Rikki and hitting her over the head. I hear a "Ow Soph-" Rikki yells out of pain.

Regulus grabs my hand and gently pulls it. I pull him closer and peck his cheek, he goes beet red and I walk away towards my houses table.

Y'all I almost slapped a hoe in my 6th hour. Lyrah is finally alive! Well more like hyperventilating & my last braincell holding on by its pinky.
Anywho Have a great day/night/afternoon/morning Lovelies 💗

Espior 《 Regulus Black 》Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora