Vol. 4

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We then walked into the castle, I attempted to walk to the Griffindor common room, you wanna know why I said attempted because I was stopped by a certain asshole (get your popcorn and snacks It's about T O   G O  D O W N  UwU) "Hey little bitch, miss me?" He said tauntingly.

"Leave me alone-" I tried to plead before be cut off "You broke my nose, You insulted my boyfriend, You framed me for something I didn't do and You humiliated me on my date" He said angrily, he then punched me. "Awe is the baby gonna cry?" He said still taunting me.

"Oh I don't know, first of all I didn't frame you and the rest I was telling the truth!" I said presenting my case. He looked at me like he was going to hurt me like his mother hurts him. "Are you going to hurt me like she hurts you?" I asked in a soft tone. He looks at me with a shocked facial expression.

"She abuses you even used the Cruciatus on you once." I said confidently "How do you know that?" He asked me obviously scared of what I can say about him. "Oh I don't know maybe I'm you know dating a Black." I said sarcastically . He then started to walk away obviously terrified that I could ruin his reputation and relationship. He was stupid for trying to get revenge on me, I than walked to my room and tried to go to sleep, but was unsuccessful.

Then Regulus walked in my room "Hey you got in late." "Yeah your brother tried to beat me up then I said the truth to him and he ran, I won't be surprised if I get 'pranked' tomorrow." I said semi-seriously "Yeah watch your back tomorrow." He said while climbing in my bed (in a non-sexual way you creeps) He nuzzled his face into my neck "I almost forgot that it was your birthday tomorrow." He whispered into my neck.

"Yeah I almost forgot too." I whispered back. "G'night love" he said while I was drifting off.........
(Thy Flashback dream)
"AURORA VICTORIA-GRACE AUBREY YOU EMBARRASSED US INFRONT OF THE MALFOYS YOU WILL NOT LEAVE THAT ROOM FOR A WEEK-" "But daddy-" "NO BUTS I'VE HEARD ENOUGH-" "Erick hunny she's five-" Mother than was cut off by a slap. "MUMMY!" I then ran by her side then  failed by him dragging me by my hair screaming "A-A-Avada Kedavera" I heard my mother say weakly aiming at my father. "DADDY-"
(Thy Flashback Dream over)
"Love wake up." I heard Regulus say panicked "He-He-He." "Shhhhhh it was just a dream..." he said while stroking my hair lovingly.

"How is my birthday girl- wait you good Vicki?" Rikki asked her voice full of concerned. "Yeah Rikki, how'd you sleep?" I asked changing the topic. "Good, but I'm not the one who has a birthday today!" She said cheerily. "Now Soph has your favorite cake down in the common room" She said while smiling happily at us.

We walked down to the common room in our pajamas, plus Reg with a shirt. "Look there's the birthday girl!" Soph said. "Hey my favorite Hufflepuff!" I said back "Hey, rude!" I heard a unknown voice say "Oh uh I forgot my manners Oscar Reneo" Oscar said nervously. "Oh Soph didn't know you had taste." I said while eyeing the handsome boy. "I guess I do!" She said confidently.

"Can we go eat now, or are the couples going to remind me that I'm painfully single." Rikki said sarcastically. "Yeah we can go Rikki after me and Regulus get dressed." I said while laughing a bit. I walked to my room and chose my uniform

(Basically the outfit but change the flats they are sent from hell)

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(Basically the outfit but change the flats they are sent from hell)

As I grabbed my wand I have a Flashback from when I got it
(Thy Flashback)
"Aha found the perfect one 11'1 inches Chestnut wood with a Phoenix feather core. Rumored to be the exact same wand as Helga Hufflepuff, go ahead give it a wave!" Olivander said with sheer excitement as he walked towards me. I waved it and gold sparkles came soaring down from the heavens. "As I suspected perfect fit for our young witch." Olivander said waving me out.
(Thy Flashback over)

I smiled remembering the fine memory. "Vicki you good in there?" Rikki yelled from the common room. I walked down to the common room, "Damn finally Reg was down hear in 5 minutes and it took you ten." Sophia said sarcastically. "Well I'm here now so let's go I'm hungry as hell!" I said to her sarcastic comment.

We walked to the great hall but was stopped by a crying first year. "Hey, Hey you ok?" I said with a comforting tone "No, the Griffindors are bullying me for being a Hufflepuff, my name is Alexandere." Alexandere said while sobbing uncontrollably. "Oh sweetheart come with me We'll go get breakfast ok?" I said with empathy, He then nodded still crying. "My name is Aurora, but you can call me Vicki." "Ok Vicki can I sit with you?" "Of course you can sweetheart, now let's go get us some cinnamon rolls because they are my favorite food for when I'm sad." I said while giving Alexandere my hand to lift him up.

We walked to the table and found my friends at the Slytherin table. "Hey little guy you okay now?" Sophia said with the same empathetic tone I had, She will be the best mother some day. "Yeah can I have some cinnamon rolls?" He asked quietly but kindly. We all grabbed two cinnamon rolls each to leave some for others. "His name is Alexandere and he was crying because he was being bullied by the Griffindors." I whispered the information to Sophia. "Ohh so that is why he was crying that hard." She whispered back.

"Hey bud wanna follow us around for the day?" Sophia asked "Yeah I guess if it doesn't bother you..." Alexandere said nervously. "Sweetheart you'll be safe with me, Sophia,  and Rikki ok Sweetheart?" I said with kindness.

We started to walk to classes "Wait why are you helping me?" Alexandere  question. "Because Alexandere I was you." I said with sadness in my voice."Oh...Really?" Alexandere said.
"Yeah I was being bullied by older Slytherins , once they even used the Cruciatus curse." I said remembering the horrible memories.
(Another Flashback Lyrah you "love" your characters)

"Oh look is the baby gonna cry?" The middle one taunted. "I think she will look at her can't take a beating." The one two the left said with a cackle "Can we leave guys we don't want her to tell-" "SHUT UP- I'm sorry no we have to teach her a lesson." The middle one said again. "Crouch can you be quiet or leave?" The one to the left said with another cackle. I started to sob as she kicked me hard in the stomach "SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BITCH-" "Bella stop-" I'm assume 'Crouch' said. And I blacked out-

(Aurora's Torture is over you can stop crying now lol)
"Vicki are you okay?" Alexandere asked.."Yeah buddy I'm ok I just remembered a bad memory, well I have Potions so be careful and tell me if your bullies mess with you tell me ok bud?" I said with confidence. "Ok Vicki I'll tell you!"


Heyyyyy this chapter was very overdue so sorry for the wait also Aurora's wand looks like this

Heyyyyy this chapter was very overdue so sorry for the wait also Aurora's wand looks like this

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Anyways stay safe lovelies 💗

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