Chapter 11

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The door opened and I saw Esme she just stood there shocked for a moment, then she jumped at me and took me in a hug.

I awkwardly wrapped an arm around her, Izzy didn't particularly like this. After a few moments I unwrapped her from around me.

"Er... can I come in?" I questioned

"Oh yes! Come in dear" she replied

Then suddenly a wave of nerves shot through me, I was about to see my 'soul mate' the guy who left me when I needed him, a vampire, the one who ripped my heart out.

I took a deep breath and followed Esme into there beautiful home. Then I decided I would NOT let Edward control my life, my life will also not evolve around him, I have a pack now, I'm also going to make him earn my trust back.

When we entered the living room I seen every one in there and they all looked at me a bit quizzically, but also in shock.

"Urm, hi?" I sort of asked.

"Bella?" They all asked in sync, well, not Esme. "Yea it's me" I replied. I mean I guess I did look a bit different, a good different, I wasn't that weak defenseless human anymore. I was a grown woman with the responsibility as an alpha.

We all just stood there for a moment in an awkward silence, and I was just looking over all of them, I never really realized how beautiful they are.

"Bell's, what happened to you?" Emmett, my ex big brother. I frowned at that thought.

I looked at them all in the eye, and said.
  "I grew up, and stopped being selfish"

I new before, when they were here, I had been extremely selfish to my father especially, but I also distanced myself from everyone els I loved and cared about. My life circled around the Cullens, I think that's why it hurt so much when they left. I'm not going to just run right back to into Edwards arms. I have to just be friends with him. But what if he doesn't want you, a voice in the back of my head whispered.
Well then he's an a*shole, because I'm an amazing, beautiful girl! And I imprinted on him so he has to like me.. right?

Rosalie looked the most surprised, but then a small smile grew on her face.

"Look. I'm not particularly here because I want to be, I'm just here to make sure Alice is ok." As I said that I looked to her and she smiled and nodded telling me she was fine. Then I continued to speak "and to ask, if it comes to a fight, will you stand with me and my pack?" They looked confused.

"What fight" Jasper asked. That startled me, usually he was the quiet one.

"I don't know, it's just what Izzy told me to say" I said honestly. They still looked confused.

"Who's Izzy" Edward asked. That was the first thing he's said all night.

"That doesn't matter right now, I will explain later. Please answer the question."

"You just said you weren't selfish, but now you want us to fight for you. And you won't even tell us why?!?!" Rosalie said with a tone.

I sighed exasperated. It wasn't for me. I could just scare them into it... no.

"Ok, first let's get some things straight, the world does not revolve around you! And you wouldn't be doing this for me! It's ether do this, or all the super natural and human alike. Die. Do you want everyone to die?!?! I'm supposedly, the queen of super natural or some sh*t, and my pack is waiting for me out side! This was supposed to be a quick visit!!! But nooo!!! I. DONT. HAVE. TO. EXPLAIN. MYSELF. TO. YOU!!!

They were all stairing at me open mouthed and with startled faces.
I took a few deep breath and said in a deadly calm voice "I'm obviously a bit stressed, so if you would answer me, that would be appreciated"

Nobody moved a muscle, then Carlisle cleared his throat, even though it was unneeded. And said " when the time comes, we will help you"

And with that I ran out of the house and shifted...

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