2. Messy

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*After School*

I knock on the door to my home as the door was locked and i could hear video game music coming from inside the house.
Ravon answers the door.

When i walked into that front door, All i smell is old wet socks and musty clothes.

"Mom is going to kill you for making this house smell like this!!" i shouted at him.

"What can she do to me? i'm 21" He turns around with a large Nerds Gummy rope hanging from his mouth.
Disgusting i say.
Very Disgusting.
"Where's Malik?" I asked again looking around not seeing him anywhere.
"He's in football practice" Ravon says with more of the nerd candy coming out of his mouth.
I was so disgusted i ran up to my room and closed the door.
Unlike everyone elses room in the house, mines was sparkly clean.
Not a spot anywhere to be found.
I had my little Ariana Grande posters hanging up on my walls and my bts blankets with my blackpink pillows.
Magical me thinks.

I would sometimes come home turn my led lights on and sit back and relax listening to Ariana Grande's best album "Yours Truly".

Not today though, this time i'm going to call mom and tell her about this damn mess ravon has made in this house.

I got to my jar that i keep my phone and i pick it up and dial my moms phone number.
She answered.

Mom: Hey Baby, What's Up?
Nadia: Ravon made this house smell really bad you need to tell him to clean up because this is just nasty-
Mom: Look, Ravon is a grown man he can do whatever he wants
Nadia: Huh?
Mom: He's grown Nadia.
Nadia: That doesn't mean that he can mess up the house all the time.
Mom: since your so worried about it you clean it up-
*hangs up*

Now i'm stuck to clean up a house that my brother messed up. Can my life get any worse than this..

*At School The Next Day*

"Pop Quiz!" Ms. Jackson shouted.
The whole class frowned.
Why would she make a pop quiz after only one day of learning the lesson i wasn't even paying attention to.
Ms. Jackson grabbed a stack of papers from her desk and asked everyone who wanted to pass out the papers.
Surprisingly, Brady answered and said that he wanted to pass out the papers.
I don't know what it is about him but i just.. whew chile. Am i a simp for brady?
He grabbed the stack of papers from Ms. Jackson so softly and walked down the asle of desk rows.
I imagined myself dancing with him down the rows with his white tux on and my wedding dress on.
roses falling from the celling and my besties, Josie, Kiwi, and Grace.
All celebrating me in my love then there's olivia who comes behind my back and stabs me in the shoulder.
Running and escaping with the victory of destroying me on my worst days.
Brady comes down the row i'm on.
I had this planned out seconds before we are going to stare at each other and fall in love.
He finally makes it to my desk im kinda scared and ready for this stare.
he looks at the papers then drops it on my desk then i make immediate eye contact.
then he looked at me and smiled. I smiled as well.
Does this mean that we are friends?
Are we lovers?
Husband and Wife?
But what thing i didn't was that olivia was looking at us smiling at each other . She made a little smirk at me and said,
"Watch your back".
I knew she was up to no good.

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