1. Throwback

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*the bell rings*

"i hope everyone is prepared for today's lesson" the teacher said.
Her name was, Ms. Jackson, the english teacher.

She got her job as a teacher here a few months ago replacing our original teacher, Mr. David.

he got into some illegal troubles so he was fired from the school.
The school had called in Ms. Jackson since she was already a substitute, she could be a teacher.

"Nadia, i hope you brought your english notebook today you didn't have it last week and we are taking notes today so you need it" Ms. Jackson explained.
I breathed annoyingly and looked into my backpack to find my notebook.

It was there today.
The reason i didn't have it last time was because of my stupid idiot brothers, Malik and Ravon.

Malik is the the football player.
Obviously, he's very mean to me and basically hates everything i do because he thinks he is "above" everyone because he's a "jock".

Ravon... well... i really don't know.
He just sits around playing video games all day and eating worthless junk food that becomes messy on his floor. If you walk into his room u will probably smell expired candy.
I don't know how that smells but yeh, It's probably nasty.

"Everyone listen up while we go thru this powerpoint" Ms. Jackson said after taking attendance.

"How about we start of by watching a video on how to break down your english words" Ms. Jackson says as she grabs the little remote to turn on her powerpoint that was showing from her macbook computer.

"Ms Jackson!!!" A Student called from the back of the room.
"What?" ms. jackson sharply turns back to look at the student.
"Can i move up i can't see from back here".
The student was the one and only, Olivia.
i hate her so much.
She has been bullying me since the 5th grade.

*3 years ago*

The teacher back then was, Mrs. Bucket. She is now the principal.
Olivia came down the hallway.
From a mile away you could see her great fashion choices and high priced shoes.
The other kids were amazed when they saw her, but i wasn't. She made it down to the line to enter class. She spotted me at the end and decided to come to the back of the line instead.
"oh, hey nadia" she said with a happy tone and a big smile on her face. I already knew she was faking anyway, but i pretended to be happy as well.
"hey olivia" i said with a happy tone just like she did then i turned around and made a straight face.
I have my lunch box in my hand because my backpack was too full.
We were about to walk into class when she pushed me down and made me waste all of my lunch food!
The teacher said it was my fault and that i had to clean all of it up by myself.
That's why i will always hate olivia.

*Present Day*

"Yes, you can move up olivia" Ms Jackson replied.
On her way up, to the front olivia smiled directly at me. face to fucking face. then, sat in front of me.

The desk right in front of me.

"oh hey Nadia i didn't see you there" She said to me as she sat down.
"Yes you did" i mumbled under my breath.

Just was Ms. Jackson was about to press play on the video there was a knock at the door.

Ms. Jackson went to answer it.
The principal, Mrs. Bucket was at the door with a tall boy.
I didn't know who he was a never seen him around so i didn't pay attention to him.
After a few whispers and paper signings Ms Jackson moved away as the boy walked in.
He gave everyone a stare as she stood in front of the classroom.
If that was me i would be sweating so badly.
I get nervous when i'm in a large crowd or in front of a large crowd. I think it's called crowdaphobia. i think....
Ms. Jackson walked in behind this boy.
I fully see him now.
He has a kinda blond type hair.
He had a teddy t-shirt on and some jeans.
"Well this comes as unexpected but we have a new student today.." Ms. Jackson says.
The whole class didn't seem to care but i did. He seemed to be kinda interesting to me.
"This is the new student his name is Brady Potter he just transferred from Autumn High".
Brady Potter.
Thats his name.
Now i'm even more interested into him.
I try to stare at him long enough so he could detect someone is looking at him and look and me then we look at the each other then we kiss then we get married have kids and love for-
Yeah. I'm reaching a little.
But what i do know is that..

I might be in love with this guy.

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