Jeff The Killer (1)

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(This is probably one of the last for tonight unless you want me to post like twenty today.)

1)   Despite the publics stereotypes, he isn't an emotional adult, he used to be a crybaby but that was because of his father's temper and his mothers passive aggressive tone.

2)   I definitely headcannon him to have burns all over, by burns I mean cut open skin looking things the fleshy type scars that sting and easily bleed hence why it was such an easy task to carve the smile.

3)  He is Bisexual and demisexual. This means he doesn't date everyone on sight. He despises people that ask him out first he HAS to do it himself. After having way to many people like Nina after him it's hard for him to find actual love. He also has to know the person very well.

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