The original Zane

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Okay, even I'll admit this isn't too much of a strong theory but I think it's an interesting idea.

Okay, so think of this a a scenario.

A man in his late 20's/early 30's who lives in a forest, in a tree, surrounded by monsters, just randomly thinks: 'huh. I want a son' and instead of trying to find a girlfriend of a wife, he just builds a revolution in technology and doesn't tell anyone like it's a normal Tuesday.

He then raises him as his actual son for years until he dies and turns of the robots memory.

That story sound familiar? That's because it's Zane's story.

Now this may seem a little far fetched BUT! What if Dr Juliean had a son and a wife? An actual human son! Zane to be exact. Okay, so I don't think it's too far to assume that Julien was alive during the serpentine wars. I mean, the guy lived two lifetimes.

In season 4, we saw a clip of the Anacondrai warriors attacking a villains with the other serpentine. I'm just gonna guess it was Jamanakai village.

What if Julien and his family lived there but then one day, the serpentine attacked their home and their house collapsed and burned down. With Zane and his mother inside it.

Dr Julien returned home and was devestated to find his family gone. The serpentine were still at large and in fear, he retreated to his hidden workshop in the birch wood forest.

Weeks went by of him just sitting in silence trying to grasp the reality that his son and wife were dead. He looked around at the piles of scrap he had gotten from the nice couple at the scrap yard and sighed. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw something glowing in one of the piles. He got up to see what was causing the light and inside one of the piles, there was a light blue power source just waiting to be used.

He glanced over to the family photo and got an idea. If he could use this power scored properly, he could bring one of them back.

But the question was who? He loved his wife and son equally and could never choose between them.

He had always promised Zane that one day he would save up enough too eh to take him on the best trip ever. The poor seven year old had never known anything outside the village.

It wasn't an easy decision to make but he felt as if he did the right thing. The next few months were put into building and programming Zane. When he was finally complete, Julien put in the power source and was so happy to have his son back.

He didn't have any of his memories and didn't understand a lot of things but it was all worth it to hug him again.


As I said, I don't really think this is how this happened but I think it's an interesting idea.

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