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we arrived at school and got out of the car. "thank you mr.lewis for driving us here" I said before closing my door. "it's actually no problem ms.lila" he said happily before driving off. I looked over to see jaeden amazed by how big the school is. I sighed remembering I have to bring him to office.

"oh jaeden when we are at school just call me lila, okay?" I said softly. "of course" he said still looking amazed. guess he's never been to a big school before.

"hi ms.gloriana. I'm here to get the schedule for jaeden." I say as she smiles and types into her computer. "oh course lila! what's the last name?" she asks. "martell" jaeden speaks out. the secretary types it in and prints it out. "here ya go jaeden" ms.gloriana hands him the schedule. "thank you" we both say before exiting the office.

he examined his schedule and I decided to peek a little. yes! we're only in two classes together! freedom from my bodyguard aha!! unfortunately, he's with me for the first period.

"hi lila" shay came up to me. "hii shay! I didn't see you at home...did your friends come to pick you up?" I asked. "oh yeah hehe" she laughed. she's so adorable. she's a freshman so I would understand if she'd rather go with her friends then her older sister. "anyways I'll see you around lila!" shay said waving. "bye bye" I smiled.

I went to my locker and saw that jaedens locker was across from mine. then Gigi and Wyatt came up to me. "oh hi Gigi, hi Wyatt" I said happily. "our girl is in a good mood" Gigi lightly punched my shoulder playfully. I saw jaeden look over and walk up to us. oh nooo.

"who's this?" wyatt asked. "Wyatt, Gigi meet jaeden. my bodyguard. jaeden, meet Wyatt and Gigi." I say. they're my closest friends. they know I'm a princess and that my mom and dad are the king and queen. we've known each other since birth and their parents are practically best friends with my parents. they're also rich but not as rich as me of course. not to brag or anything though.

"oh well it's nice to meet you jaeden" Gigi put her hand out to shake hands with him. "nice to meet you guys" jaeden says shyly. "awh look at him. why did your parents hire him? he looks like a total softie" Gigi says. "Hey! I can be aggressive and mean." jaeden says trying to look tough but he fails miserably it's cute.

- bell rings -

I said good bye to my friends since Wyatt and Gigi have different classes and we don't share any. me as jaeden both have English so I went to my seat and saw the teacher call jaeden up to introduce himself. "oh um, hello. my name is jaeden martell and i'm new here." he smiles showing his dimples. I heard a few girls whispering and squealing. ugh.

"jaeden you may sit over there" the teacher says pointing at the empty chair that is beside me but one desk down.

"jaeden you may sit over there" the teacher says pointing at the empty chair that is beside me but one desk down

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class ends and I go onto the next period. then it's lunch. I'm at the lineup to get food and I see jaeden trying to look for me. it was a little bit cute to be honest. I waved my arm so he could see me and he did and walked over and got a lunch tray.

we sat down at the lunch table as we all arrived at the same time except for Wyatt. I started to eat as Wyatt sits down panting. "sorry I'm late, coach made us do 3 extra laps" he says. "no worries I already got your food so here you go" I say passing him the lunch tray. "you're a lifesaver" he laughs. "of course I am" I smiled.

"so, jaeden. how are you liking your job?" Gigi asks as she eats a spoonful of food. "oh well it's only my first day on the job but I'd say it's pretty cool and an honor." he says before eating. of course it's cool. He earns $3,500 a week. and that's a lot of money. "cool, cool, well anyways I'm hosting a party this Friday and I'm inviting everyone. just not our exes." she says in disgust. "who are your exes?" jaeden asks. "well my ex is jack grazer. he cheated on me. and Wyatt was friends with him but they fought." Gigi says. "we had too. I couldn't let jack hurt my friend like that. so my ex is actually Erin." wyatt says looking like he still isn't over her. "mines is Finn wolfhard."

"why'd you break up with him?" jaeden asked. he is pretty nosy huh? well I guess he is because he's my body guard. oh well. "Finn, was such a jerk. he never treated me like a lady. He would always hangout with his friends instead of me. and he said he would go on a date with me but he stood me up." I say getting angry just remembering his jerk face.

"oh. sorry for asking." jaeden says with regret.
"it's okay I guess. we broke up a while ago so it's fine." I said. "sooo are you guys going to my party or what." Gigi asks. "oh yeah right, of course." we all say.

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