[ boyfriend! doyoung ]

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lmao can't believe I'm posting stuff after three years

q: whats ur fav nct member rn?

ok boyfriend kim dongyoung let's get it

- omg bunny I love doyoung sm

- let's start

- 2 words

- mom boyfriend

- will probably nag at u a lot but ITS FOR UR OWN GOOD

- he loves u (I read somewhere that because of his horoscope thing, when doyoung falls in love, he loves deeply *insert heart eyes*)

- pda but not too hardcore, he is more comfortable to kiss u in private

- hold ur hands tightly when in public to make sure u don't wander off

- he also likes to carry ur stuff, bags, water bottle etc

- will probably pick u up from school/work

- asks u about ur day and proceeds to tell u what he did that day

- doyoung would speak english with u to practice his english skills but gets annoyed because u speak too fast :(


- makes u amazing food *chefs kisses*

- dates for both of u would be staying home, baking cookies/cakes, or farmers markets in the morning

- doyoung is very clean and organised!!! will nag u if u are too messy or leave laundry everywhere

- a lot of jokes

- pls laugh at his jokes

- even if they're not funny

- gets jealous/insecure easily if you have male friends, but seems unbothered on the outside

- will definitely pout if he's sad

- kisses will fix the pouting

- will sing u to sleep :')

- doyoung is the big spoon and he will hug u tightly when he sleeps

- hard worker doyoung!! will practice until late if he has a comeback soon

- u bring him dinner at the studio 

- members will tease him when u bring him food u made urself <333

- I love doyoung sm :((((((((((

- vroom vroom talk show lmao


also congrats to nct dream for winning a bonsang at the soribada awards <3

pls leave requests if u have any in the comments or dm me <3

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