5 | The One With Pajamas

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— R A E —

We lay there for a while longer, my head perched in the crook of Ajax's shoulder. We had slipped down a bit, getting comfier over the past hour, and I now rest with my back against half his chest. He gave up holding his head in his hand, his arm now draped lazily over my shoulder. I can feel him steadily breathing under me, and the thump thump of his heart beating.

We continue to peacefully watch the movie until I hear loud whispers from the other bed.

Mason and Kat had quieted down a bit and were mostly keeping their hands to themselves for the past few minutes, but after the not-so-quiet whispers Kat sits upright and looks over at Ajax and me.

"I've just had a brilliant idea!" She announces. "I'm staying the night here since it's already sooo late and I'm already sooo comfortable; it just doesn't make sense to drive home now. But seeing as we drove here in my car, that means Rae needs a place to stay too... and so, Rae, you get to stay in Ajax's room! Problem solved!"

The sly little bitch.

"Uh, excuse me?" I ask, "Didn't you say we would leave after the movie? I don't care if you want to stay, but don't drag me into it, and that's not fair to Ajax either! You can't just volunteer his room to me."

"I don't have a second bed like you do in here," Ajax points out, "just my one twin bed—"

"Trust me, Rae, I'm doing you a favor. I know you probably hate me right now and think I'm a horrible friend, but you'll thank me later. You don't want to miss out on a chance for that." She looks at Ajax pointedly, her eyes traveling up and down.

Mason finally chimes in, "Trust me, he could use someone to warm his bed. It's been cold and lonely for far too long." And then, so quietly I almost miss it, "Although I'm sure his hand's been getting plenty of action."

Ajax freezes, and I glance to him, hoping he'll offer me some support on the issue. His ears are bright red, but I commend him for not otherwise reacting. He just shakes his head unsure of what to say.

Before I can even say anything, Kat continues, "Look, it's not like I'm forcing you to do the dirty... you just have to share a bed for the night. You're both adults and a little cuddling in a small bed never hurt anyone."

Ajax lets out a deep sigh, "Honestly, I don't really mind" he starts, and I jerk my gaze to him in question, "don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to pressure you into sharing my bed... but, if she insists on staying, then it doesn't seem like you have too many other options. It doesn't really bother me so I'm fine with it if you are. I hate to admit Kat's right, but it's not the end of the world. You seem like your fine sitting here with me in this bed, would it really be so different?"

I'm still looking at him and he gives me a little shrug for emphasis. I definitely didn't plan on sharing a bed with anyone tonight, especially some sexy-ass firefighter that I'm just starting to get to know... but if I'm honest, I think Ajax is right. My options are limited: I don't think I have any chance of changing Kat's mind, and there's no way in hell I'm sleeping in the car or driving all the way home even if I did manage to find the keys. We've been sitting here in bed together for almost 2 hours, most of which has been spent with me leaning against his arm or chest comfortably. Sitting and watching a movie is a bit different than sleeping, but I guess there's no harm.

And hey, I'm a grown-ass woman, I'm allowed to have sleepovers with men if I decide to! Who doesn't enjoy cuddling? Even if it is with a handsome guy like Ajax... especially if it's with a handsome guy like Ajax.

"Alright," I decide. "As long as you're totally ok with it."

Ajax looks a bit surprised at my decision, but nods anyway. "Yeah, doesn't bother me a bit."

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