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I woke up and it was Wednesday. Tuesday went by pretty slow considering I didn't really do much. I looked at the clock and it was 11:30 AM. That's the thing about being suspended- you could sleep in. Although, there's usually nothing to do. I just sat up and just laid there on my phone. I don't go back to school until next Monday so that'll be fun. OH CRAP .. the English assignment. It's due in 2 days and I'm pretty sure my partner is still mad at me. Hopefully, I can do it on Monday because that's when I get back. Instead of sitting here all day I should go talk to Mr. Harris. I got up and headed to the bathroom. I did my usual morning routine and changed my clothes. I grabbed my board and headed out the door. It was currently 11:50 and lunch should've started about 5 minutes ago. Once I got to school I headed over to the classroom. Once I got there, I saw Dylan and Mr. Harris in the middle of a conversation.

".. But Mr. Harris what about Jen? She's my partner and she hasn't been here. What do I do?" Dylan asked. I fake coughed to get their attention.

"Here she is. Maybe you would like to explain to Dylan why you haven't been here," Mr. Harris said.

"I um- got suspended and I'm not coming back until Monday. That's kinda why I came .. so we could make arrangements," I explained.

"No arrangements shall be made. The due date for this assignment is Friday and that is when I expect it to be presented. You guys will be the first to present," Mr. Harris replied.

"What! But we haven't even started! How do you expect us to memorize a poem in 2 days?" Dylan exclaimed.

"If Rome was built in a day, I'm pretty sure you can memorize a poem in 2. This discussion in now over. Please get out of my classroom and let me eat. You know where the door is,"Mr. Harris finishes and gestures us out of the classroom.

"Great. Just great. Why did you have to get suspended? I was counting on you," Dylan commented.

"Maybe if you didn't fuck with my feelings then I wouldn't have yelled at you and gotten myself in trouble," I said with an attitude and tried to walk away. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. Before I could say anything, he kissed me. I kissed back but I instantly regretted it. I broke the kiss and slapped him.

"Make up your mind! First you act like you like me, then you get a girlfriend, and now you kiss me. I'm sorry but I'm not a toy that you can keep playing around with. I'm a human too you know. I have feelings that you don't like to even consider about. I'll text you what poem I want and I'll do the explaining," I turned around and hopped on my board before he could say anything else. Instead of going to the table to talk to Brent, I went to the public library. I didn't go to the school's library because I wasn't suppose to be on campus, unless it was to catch up with school work. Before going to the library, I went to Taco Bell to get lunch. I ordered 2 Dorrito tacos and a Mountain Dew Splash. I went outside and sat down at an empty table. I began eating until someone sat down.

"Dining alone?"

"Dylan please leave me alone," I said biting into my taco.

"What? I want to talk this out! I won't let you leave until you do," he exclaims.

"First of all, I can leave whenever I want, we're at a public fast food restaurant, and, second, how did you find me here? Were you following me?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"No but then yes. I was walking and I saw you here so I wanted to talk to you. Okay listen. I'm sorry for toying you! I didn't mean for you to get suspended," he said.

"Okay now you listen. I do forgive you but that doesn't mean I trust you. You lost my trust and it's really hard to get it back," I said getting up to throw away my trash, "and if you don't mind, I have to go to the library to look for a poem."

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