Fancy Living

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I departed from the plane and followed my mom. She told me there was a taxi waiting for us to take us to our new house. I'm surprised we actually have a house already. My mom told me that our lives were going to change because this job pays twice as much as my dad's old job. His old job was a lawyer, and he did pretty job at defending. After a couple minutes of walking, I saw a guy in a suit holding up a sign that read 'Parker'. My mom and I walked over to him and he greeted us. Instead of opening the door of a taxi, he opened the door to a .. LIMO? That is so sick! I've never been in one before and I've always wanted to. I got in and what I saw inside was amazing. There were leather seats, and a mini bar on the other side.

"Mom? Why are we in a limo?" I asked, still in awe.

"I told you, our lives were going to change. My boss wanted us to live a "fancy" lifestyle. Wait until you see the house. We also got a lot of new things like furniture."

I had nothing to say. I just stared at her in complete shock. Although, I did find it funny how I kept singing "fancy living here we come" over and over in my head. Spongebob will forever be my favorite.

I looked out the window to find gigantic skyscrapers and big signs. In the distance, I saw Lady Liberty and she was bigger than it appeared. Before I knew it, we entered the tall gates to our new house. When I got out, the first thing I noticed was my house. Let's just say it was pretty amazing. I walked up the steps and entered through the big doors. It was bigger on the inside and there were unpacked boxes everywhere.

"Go on pick out our your room!" my mom said and I instantly ran up the stairs. The stairs were carpet but it had wood on the side. When I got up, I immediately checked every room. My favorite room was the first one on the right. It was big and had plenty of room. The thing that really caught my eye was the walk-in closet and the bathroom with a huge mirror. It wasn't the master bedroom because the master room is way bigger. I wanted my mom to have that room because she deserved it. On the same floor, there were 3 bedrooms and one bathroom. But that was only upstairs.

"I want the first room on the right!" I yelled to my mom. I decided to explore the house so I went downstairs. I found out that there was a living room, a lounge, two more bathrooms, and another bedroom downstairs. I found a sliding door and it led to the backyard. I went out side to find something that was phenomenal. The backyard was HUGE! It was a stone patio with stairs that led to a waterfall. It connected to a swimming pool and it looked like the one in High School Musical. On the patio, there was a dining area and grill. I walked further and found a stone walkway. I followed it and it led to relaxing area with fancy furniture and it has a zen feeling to it.


"You can go sight seeing if you'd like," my mom said walking into my room. I was currently unpacking my sheets and making my bed.

"Are you sure 'bout that? I don't have a ride," I said trying making my point.

"Go look outside," she said bobbing her head out the door.

"MOM YOU DIDN'T?!" I screamed.

"Go see for yourself," she said. I ran out of my room and out the front door. I walked into the driveway and saw a convertible silver BMW.

"MOM, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" I yelled and ran to her. She was resting in the doorway and I tackle her with a hug.

"Woah, easy! Here's your keys. So are you going now?" she said hanging me the keys to my brand new car. I have my permit but this year, I'm getting my license. Since I'm in a new state now, I have to get a new one.

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