another day at detention

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A quick recap:
We now already know what is her soulmate's name, full name. And he is hoping to see her again, and know her full name as well.
*3rd person*
After the other commotion that Russell and Luzviminda made, all of her friends approached her.

"Minda what was that all about?" asked Austin.

"Yeah why did you want to know our older brother's name?" asked a puzzled Raine.

"Oh, it's nothing don't worry about it "
Luzviminda said with a bright smile.

Then the bell rang.

"well I gotta get to the Student's Counsel office before class."Said again Luzviminda.

"Why?" Asked Nekomi

"I'm going to go down from my place as vice president"Luzviminda said with a smile.

"WHAT?!?!" everyone said in unison even passers by did.

"Why?" Two male voices asked.

They turned to see Kayden and James

"Is that counsel members treating you bad" ask James, the president of the organization.

"Did someone forced or hurt you to do this?" Kayden, the secretary of the organization asked Minda as he holds both of her hands.

"No it's not that, no one forced or hurt me but I've been thinking.... " Everyone looked at her concerned.

"my 16th birthday is coming soon and I will dream about my soulmate and I will much more distracted. I don't want to be a burden on you guys, the whole counsel as well. So I'm going to try to find my soulmate and tell him or her that I don't want anything more than being platonic soulmate not until I finish school first." she explained calmly.

"Is that why you got detention yesterday?" asked James

"WHAT?!?!" people once again reacted.

"Achoooooo!!" Luzviminda sneezed

"ohhhh, someone is thinking about you" someone in the crowd said.

"hehehe, I guess" Luzviminda said.


'Is it possible that she's my soulmate?'
Russell thought to him self.

'No, of all people I don't think so' he is now debating on it.

'But thinking about it she's nice, cute I guess, umm.... What else.........NO stop thinking about her'

This continued until he got his daily detention.

*3rd person*
Luzviminda again ended up in detention because of being late. Please don't ask poor author why. (she slept only for 3 hours)

*Luzviminda's Pov*

*Sigh* once again I got detention. I open the door to see the one and only Russell.

"Hey" I said as I close the door behind me.

"Are you following me or something?" He asked once again annoyed. What did I expect from this guy.

"No your sisters dragged me into this mess and don't worry I won't bother you anymore." I said as I walk into my seat yesterday.

It took a few minutes of silence before Russell made a noise.

I covered my ears.

"WOW, she is so sensitive" said Russell said then poof it's like something shot him. He was surprised at the same time hurt.

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