EPISODE 3 : Spies In Disguise

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Credits to: @shydowoon for the chapter idea.


That's what Jungkook thought after hearing Hoseok's plan.

Meanwhile, Taehyung and Jimin high–fived each other, thinking that it was the most brilliant plan, and was made in the heavens. Oh, how the two loved these thrilling things.

Jungkook pushed his hair back, brows furrowing as he glanced at Hoseok. "We have a schedule next week. What if we get caught?"

"If you get caught, then it's either the media will conclude that you're dating any of the artists from JS Entertainment or that you're creepy stalkers, and you'll officially lose your career if it was the second one," Hoseok casually answers.

Jungkook's jaws dropped. "See? And you're insisting that we do this?!"

"Those are the effects in which if ever you were caught, but that cannot be possible because of my brilliant thinking and organised strategy——"

"There's no way that this could come from you," Jungkook says suspiciously, and rather teasingly with a tiny smirk.

Meanwhile, Jimin and Taehyung were in the background, playing with their gun hands and shooting each other, as if they were roleplaying.

"Fine, Namjoon played a big part in coordinating this," Hoseok admits.

By this, Jungkook's eyes widened. He felt completely flabbergasted. "Even Namjoon hyung? Him, too? Are you serious?" He once again pushed his hair back, plopping himself onto the chair behind him.

Hoseok shrugs, smiling proudly. "See? Even Namjoon is a fond of this plan. So, c'mon! Let's do this!"

Jungkook glares at Hoseok, quickly shaking his head. "Why us? You can hire anyone else. Why does it have to be us?" Jungkook complains.

What's the plan? Taehyung, Jimin, and him are going to spy on Jisoo, the head of JS Entertainment. However, Jungkook couldn't completely comprehend on what they'd acquire if ever they agree to do it.

Well, they were basically risking their careers here.

Hoseok sighs, "You know CEO Jin, he knows everything about what Namjoon, Yoongi hyung and I are doing. However, he doesn't give a fuck about you three."

"Okay, ouch," Taehyung speaks up, pouting at Hoseok. "I am offended."

Jimin nudges Taehyung. "He ain't lying," he says. "I mean, Jin hyung basically lets us do whatever we want. And, we get away with whatever we wanna do except for that Music Bank incident."

Remembering the Music Bank incident, Jungkook automatically fixates his gaze onto the two, glaring at them. Oh, he wouldn't taste Jin's wrath if they didn't force him to tag along with them.

Taehyung shrugs, his pout not living his lips.

"Then we can hire someone else to do this!" Jungkook exclaims, eyes darting back onto Hoseok.

Hoseok shakes his head, pursing his lips to point at the two males behind him. Jungkook snaps his head, just to see Jimin and Taehyung apologetically smiling at him.

"Oh, wow," Jungkook groans. "You two were the ones to insist that we'd do this, huh?"

Taehyung and Jimin enthusiastically nods at the same time. Jungkook sighs in disbelief, massaging his temples. Sometimes, he forgets that he's the youngest one amongst them.

Jungkook glances at Hoseok and arches his eyebrow in a bored manner. "Nah, ain't going. You three combined wouldn't ever convince me."


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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