Part 2, Chapter 4: Canyon

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Eventually, morning rolled around and we were on the move. Around midday, we heard an ear-shattering roar. I spun around to see a huge bear, larger than life, roaring with its paws up. Obviously, it did not approve of us stealing berries from the nearby bushes.

"Nyx." I whispered. "Back away, slowly. Don't make eye contact with it." She nodded and we did. The bear was eyeing the berries so I threw mine on the ground and Nyx followed suit. The bear scampered towards them and gobbled the berries up quickly allowing Nyx and I to escape. Once we were far away, we sat down.
"Avis, w-what happened?" my sister said, shaking.

"Are you okay? I think the bear's gone, but we should keep moving." She nodded and I sat down, reassured. We took a quick break, and then kept travelling.

We travelled for three days without worry, until we were met by a huge canyon, with a gushing river flowing through it. There was no way around it to be seen and turning around would be a last resort. Luckily, I spied a few trees up above us.

"Nyx," I said, pointing. "Look." I explained to my horrified twin how we would have to jump and grab onto one branch, swing to a vine, and land on the other side. It was something out of the local spinner's stories. At first, she was hesitant, for good reason, but eventually she saw the reasoning. I went first. I got a running start, leaped and grabbed onto the branch. Luckily, it could support my weight. Then, I swung and let go, allowing me to then catch onto the vine, which swung upon impact. I immediately let go without thinking and landed on the cliff on the opposite side. I did it. I threw my hands into the air and yelled.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOO! Your turn, Nyx!" She leaped onto the branch, but she swung sideways. It would make the next jump even more difficult. This time, she only let go of the branch with one hand, so she was stuck in between the branch and vine. Nyx released the branch and swung before leaping to the cliff. Except, she was twisted, causing her to land weird. Nyx's ankle rolled over and she yelped in pain.

"Ow!" I rushed over to her and looked at her ankle. Just a sprain, but that would make our journey harder. I helped her crawl away from the canyon and we sat down to take a break. "I'm sorry." she said. "I'm not good at climbing." she said, her head hung low. I put a hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay. You're alive, and that's what matters." We waited the rest of the night, but during the watch from 1-3 in the morning, something happened.

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