Part 4, Chapter 8: Home

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It had been about a month since Raiden and Ryles found us behind the bush. The Campriano's liked us and Nyx and I enjoyed our current situation. Although, every night on the couch, before we fell asleep, Nyx and I always whispered about when it would end. When we would have to leave. When we would be turned in.

Tonight at dinner, all of the Campriano's were smiling suspiciously. Nyx and I decided not to ask as it seemed very weird. After dinner, Mr. Campriano stood up.

"Nyx, Avis, we had something to ask you." Nyx and I shared a look. We were thinking the same thought: we were about to get kicked out. And if they were smiling, maybe they didn't like us as much as we thought, or at all. "We were wondering if you wanted to live with us and stay in the village?" They were all smiling. We agreed, eagerly.

That night, in bed, while everyone was asleep, I cried silently. Some were sad tears, for my parents, and others were happy for my new home and friends. I cried for my sister as well and all we've been through. I cried for myself because I finally could.

We spent the rest of our lives in that village, and eventually when we were older, buying our own cabin in the village. Raiden I and got married and Ryles married my twin shortly after. Even though my parents weren't there, I could almost feel them there and I knew we made them proud.

Avis and Nyx. Those were the names our parents gave us, and now we had a beautiful new home and family.

The End.

A/N: There we go!  That's the story.  A (hopefully) decent story with a happy ending.  :D


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