chapter 14

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The next morning i was rudely awoken by a very loud and constant banging of my door.

''i'm coming i'm coming'' i yelled getting of the bed. when i opened the door reed carter was in front of my door and had a very angry face.

''what the hell are you doing here so early '' i hissed

''and why the hell are you not up you have to start your training so hurry up!'' he yelled and then stomped of. but really who the hell wakes up 5:30 to work out definately not me. well i might as well do what he says before he goes all hulk on me.

45 minutes later

''punch harder harder kayla'' reed yelled

''i'm trying i'm trying stop yelling at me'' i said we've been at this since i came to the room and i can't get it right i mean who can when someone is only yelling at you.

" stop you're doing it wrong you'll break your fingers'' reed said and came up to me and held my hands and fixed it he then came behind me still holding my hands and started to puch the bag. If you ask me it's pretty intimate i mean i can feel his breath on the nape of my neck and it's arising these feelings i never thought that i could experience.

''there that's it can you do that'' he whispered which sounded so hot i mean so not ,not yeah that's what i said totally not hot or anything.

I absent mindedly turned around and reed's eyes flicked from my eyes to my lips and i did the same and before i knew it we were both leaning in our lips brushed and a volt of tingles passed through and my heart started beating really fast which caused me to jump back i mean like literally jumped which caused me to step and trip on reed's feet which resulted on me falling hard on the ground on my bum and reed's laughter filled the room.

'' oh my god can I give you a tip never do your face like that again cause you'll have a guy running faster than a ferrari.''

''ha ha very funny ouch'' my bum really hurts.

''um reed what was that about'' i said looking down and trying to hide my blush from thinking of our almost kiss.

'' that was nothing princess and dont expect another incident like that cause it wont happen'' reed said looking everywhere but me.

Want to here some shocking news i'm sad that i did not get to kiss him, yeah shocking right but this one will blow you away. i think that a tinsy binsy tiny winy bit of me is kinda starting to like reed but before you assume anything it's more of a friend like and maybe a little more than friends but don't tell anyone cause i'll deny it.

''um kayla ready to contine''

''yeah yeah whatever''

And my nightmere begins wish me lock my friends cause i'll more than likely need it.


after I had that tireding workout I took a shower and I was then called for a meeting.

" so kayla i know that you have not had a full practice on how we do our job here but i think you should go on a job sight with reed to get a feel and get experience on how hard you have to work and what expectations you need to work to, so are you ready for this"

"well ur......... sir i ah..... don't really know what to say i mean i don't have a clue about these things and if i mess up it'll cost you guys alot so....."

"That's why i'm sending reed with you on this cause if you make a slight mistake he'll know how to handel the situation"

" So are you ready for this "

"Urm... i guess so cause as they say practice makes perfect"

"Well then be ready by tomorrow"

wait tomorrow, he just said tomorrow right, how the hell am i suppose to be ready be tomorrow i can't even throw a proper punch let alone fight someone. i was interupted with my thougts when someone well in his case i should say something, cleared their throat.

" kayla come on let's get to work then"

"what?" i asked surprised

"well princess if you dont want to get killed i suggest that you atleast learn how to block a hit" he said and lit a cigarette while leaning on the door, and staring very disgustingly at my little stomach i had exposed, which i immediately reacted to and pulled down my top which he saw and smirked at me. ugh i swear this guy is just so so i don't even know the word to describe him.

"well then what are you waiting for, christmas lets go" i said and walked out the room but then backed back in and snatched the cigarette out of his mouth.

" oh i almost forgot when you're with me you can't do that" i said and threw the cigarette on the floor and smashed it with one of my foot and i then smirked at him.

before i could walk out i felt a hand grab me back and then gently pushed me against the wall behind the door.

"what the hell reed let me go, what kind of behaviour is this, let go" i hissed at him to which he smirked and put his to hands at each side of me locking me between the wall and him and he was so close that i smelt his breath yeah that close and mind me that all the hair in my body stood up and soon i was breathing heavily which was amusing to reed cause he then smirked.

" do i make you nervous" he whispered in my ears and his lips brushed it which caused my heart to go a million miles per minute yeah minute that's how i felt.

"n-no" i stuttered which i so wanted to scream at myself for doing.

''well you should be cause if you dare touch anything of mine and tell me what to do it would not be a warning am i clear" reed said in a dangerously low voice of his which was preety intimidating.

i gulped and shook my head cause one he was too close and i was afraid if i spoke my lips would brush his and two well i was scared,i was shitting myself no seriously if you was in my position you would understand. this was a different reed not the perverted annoying reed, this was a dangerous deadly looking reed and it scared me to think that he got easily mad that i just took his cigarette which i thought he would think is funny,so i'm scared to think how he would react to other things that are bigger than just touching his things as he would put it.

"c-can y-you l-let g-go y arm i-is h-hurting" i whispered but he heard and loosened his grip and backed away and then passes his hand over his face and groaned and looked at me and his eyes showed that he was sorry but i knew he was not going to say it,

"i'm ur.. sorry for telling you what to do and pulling out your cigarette from your mouth" i said and walked out of the room and headed for the training room.

you know what i am sick and tired of reed's mood swings and you know what i'll work so hard to beat him at his own game. that's right, ladies and gentlemen kayla anderson has entered the battlefield and i'm going to prove to reed carter and everyone out there who thinks that i'm only good at playing dolls( as they say) i'll show him that i can fight and that to better than he thinks i can.

The bad boy trained me to fight (*Completed*)Where stories live. Discover now